~ With L♥ve ~

Thursday, March 3, 2011

avec amour, tout est possible
Translated French to English..~ With Love all things are possible ~

Hello friends..

I hope you all had a great day!

Its a little after midnight and I really need to be getting ready for bed soon. I am trying to get up a bit earlier to get more accomplished during the day..Not something I am so good at!

I didn't realize that today was Scott's day off until he came home and soon ended up...

In the bed.

Not to mention..

both cats were in the spare room sleeping too..

You can see Gabby wasn't too happy about me waking her up and putting a camera in her face.

Its kinda hard to get motivated when everyone in the house is a sleep. I did manage to get ..

~ The floors swept ~

~ The cat boxes scooped ~

~ Laundry tossed around ~

~ Got the beds made... 2 x's  for the master bed ~

~ The kitchen picked up ~

~ Dinner cooked ~

~ The kitchen picked up again ~

Not to mention I went to the dealership and worked for about an hr getting it cleaned up..Scott and I did better tonight. We are starting to figure out what works for us. However, he is a scatter brain sometimes and doesn't finish a job before starting another one.That drives me crrrraaaazzzzyyyyy!!!! But..things are going well with that part time job. I really don't mind it. Since we did it all this week, next week we are off and the other couple cleans it for the week. So it works out really well. If we want to make any big plans, we have every other week off. And I suppose if they or we need additional time off, we will fill in for one another.

I have been working on more post for you guys. I got tagged with 25 questions that I am working on getting answered, I am trying to finish getting the products together for the giveaway, I have some favorites I want to share with you all, I still need to show you how I switched up my make up with a train case, I also need to finish the post about changing up your make up brushes, and I am also hoping to get that bathing suit I want up here too. My lawyer is doing this 30 day challenge on Facebook that he sent to everyone..Looks really interesting and I might have to do it on here too! I am sorry that I am not posting as much as normal..I am working on it! I haven't done many menu post because this week I have been having to come up with fast easy dinners because we are working. Really I could have done the entire week on low fat frozen meals but Scott wouldn't have liked that. I am seriously thinking about doing more weight watchers meals on the week we work. That will sure be an adjustment for him...But once we both get use to it, it will be fine..Easy and quick with minimal cooking and clean up..Every home can use a few more of those kind of nights. Speaking of weight watchers, I don't know much about them but I have heard some amazing stories . I think both Scott and I could use a few less calories and try to get  a bit more healthy. Once its just back to the two of us..it we will feel more comfortable..~ Only 2 more weeks and Michael will move out!! ~ I wasn't too happy about it at first but now I am really starting to like the idea! I think Scott and I need more alone time..

♥ to...Cuddle...to Love..to...Talk...to Laugh..

Its been 6 months since we have lived alone together. We love Michael...But I feel its time to work on Scott and myself. Its always been just us..and I think we are both missing that. So this is a much happy time in that respect! He is the L♥ve of my life and I want us to feel more happy that what we have been. We just need time together..without worry of the stresses of life. We both have been more on edge this past couple of weeks. I don't like it and sometimes I think we both need to remember that we need more 
 ~ Patience ~ with one another. As the top of this post says...With Love all things are possible. For him..and for us..I think I would do anything..I might not always show it but my heart is full of nothing but Love and Gratitude for everything he has done for me. I know my life is better because he stands next to me. I hope and think he feels the same..and that is what is going to keep us together for the rest of our lives.

Well I am heading to bed...Got a lot to try to get done tomorrow and Friday..Then its date night this weekend! Wonder what we will find to do!

Sweet dreams!

K Jaggers
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