Happy Day!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy Thursday!

I am still enjoying my coffee, sitting here listening to ~ The View ~ while I get things in order for my day. I got the calender out and it seems like it is ever going to end...

{ Work on grocery list, Run to Social Security office to get a replacement card ( might end up doing that tomorrow ) , work on going through the bills and get them paid, get package of movies off in the mail to mom and Don, make apts with a new Dr, get late library books returned, Get the rest of the stuff for the kids and get their box mailed out, and try to get my purse cleaned out.}

That's just some of the " Desk " work that I need to get done. I don't know if I will get it all done today but I am going to get as much as I can finished up..But there is stuff to do around the house too. And figure out whats for dinner and run to the store.So its going to be a busy day..I am glad that its a late nigh for Scott and Michael and they wont be home till after 8 tonight.

Right now my car is in the shop at Scott's work getting a few repairs it needs. It has been squeaking  a lot and that drives me nuts! So we are doing our best to get that fixed along with some other things done. So in just a bit Scott is going to come pick me up so I can get the car and do shopping for dinner. I just sent him a text saying I would prefer him picking me up at 5. But who knows if he will have a customer then..So just have to go with it and see!

I found a feature on Facebook the other night that I am loving..Sometimes I have to be political and make nice with people I would rather not be friends with. But for some reason, they are in my life and I have to try to be social...well now with facebook I know how to hide someone without deleting them..Loving it! I just click a little button....and poof....they are gone! And its in a nice way being you are technically still " friends" with them. I know this sounds a little rude, but I am sure a lot of people can relate to this. Sometimes when you delete someone on facebook, they take it really serious. I understand they can still see what you write but your page wont be filled up with things from them..Love it!!

For the blog today and tomorrow...I want to to start a few new

 ~ Traditions ~

I want to do a post every Thursday called ~ Thankful Thursday ~ because I really feels its important to take a moment to say what you are thankful for..I did it the other day and its amazing at how well it really does change how you feel after you write it all out. When I am having a negative kind of day, I find this really  helpful. And I also want to start ~ Friday favorites ~ of things I have used during the week that are my top picks to have! As you saw yesterday was Wishful Wednesday..From the results of that pole I put up a while back this is the kind of post that the majority of you want to see..So I am happy to add more to this blog! The 25 questions I got tagged with are funny and taking a while to answer. I am hoping to have them up later tonight.

Well off I go...As you can see today is a busy day!

I wish you the Happiest Day Ever!!!

K Jaggers
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