* WISHFUL * Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hello Friends..

Happy Wednesday to you all!!!!!

Its a absolute beautiful day here today. Its also Scott's day off and he just came home and is snuggled up in the bed enjoying a nap. He didn't sleep well last night and I think a nap will do him good! Its not so good for me who should be cleaning up around here. I guess I will just try to keep quiet around here the best I can. I just got home from running to the store..enjoying some lunch and trying to figure out everything that I need to get done.. I Scott dearly but when he is home in the afternoon, nothing goes as planned..

Last night was kinda difficult..Things just kept piling on and I was so happy to fall asleep and get a new day. The kids were having problems. Both called crying and nothing hurts more than to know your kids are upset and there is nothing you can do except listen and tell them you love them and that it will be ok..

Scott and I talked forever last night. He seems to think I am allowing all this stress around and instead of letting it go, I carry it around.. Guessing he is probably right. Got to try to loosen up and not take things so seriously all the time.

On this Wednesday I *** WISH ***...

* I wish that I had more time today to get things done around the house *

* I wish my body didn't ache like it is today *

* I wish that the news would be a bit more inspiring instead of so depressing. *

* Life would be easier most days *

* The summer would hurry up and get here so I can see my kids =( *

* I wish that Scott and I would plan a vacation where the 2 of us could escape to good thoughts only *

* I wish that I wasn't so tired all the time *

* I wish my purse was more clean and organized. *

* I really wish dinner would cook itself tonight *

* More than anything I am wishing for a
 ~ Great night with Scott! ~ *

Well that's my wishes for today..

Lets home some of them come true!

Have a great Wednesday!

K Jaggers
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