Tuesday Greetings!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hello friends!

Hope you are all having a great Tuesday! I have a few things I need to go out and do in a bit but clearly I am running behind a bit! I should be cleaning up right now but instead i am blogging!! All while watching Giovanni try to open the front door. He is meowing non stop and driving me crazy!

I slept pretty good last night..It didn't take long to fall asleep..however, I wish I could have slept a bit later. I actually had my alarm set for 10:30 and got up at 11:45..Didn't do so well but going to work harder on getting up at a reasonable hour instead of sleeping all day..With the pretty weather I don't want to be inside all day..So its time to start waking up a bit earlier! ~ When I Can!! ~

Time is limited today being Scott and Michael only work till 6 and then we have to clean it up..It will be around 7:30.. I have not even figured out what we are having for dinner tonight. Ugh..Not really wanting to do any cooking right now..Always something to do!

Well I need to get cleaned up and head out the door and get my errands ran!

Talk to you all later today!

K Jaggers
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