Hello Wednesday!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What a day..Every since I woke up, its been raining like crazy..I am finally home and couldn't be happier about being inside..I went to the DMV...What a joke..Those guys are so good at running people around..The system is terribly flawed..for sure..Then I went grocery shopping because I really really need to..but I hate grocery shopping in the rain..For good reason..It was pouring down so hard when I came outside..I ran with the buggie to my car..got in the drivers seat on my knees facing the back seat and just reached out and got the stuff from the basket while still being in the car. Right out of no where a guy came out who worked there and helped me..So freaking sweet..It was pouring down raining and he was helping everyone..He ran to another woman right after he was finished with me and helped her. He also got both our buggies..He even shut her door for her..Really sweet..So thankful for his help..

Only to come home and found Cooper with a friend..I got pictures..Posted one on facebook. And will post them on here later tonight. Its actually kinda cute but not loving the idea of 2 BIG WET dogs in the house! So they are both enjoying the garage and porch to stay dry..I normally would have dried Cooper off and brought him in the house by now but I don't want to leave the other dog by herself..Guess I will just try to keep an eye on them till Scott gets home!

I don't have long to sit around and blog! I wish I did..However the guys are suppose to get off work around 6 pm. So that's not too long for now..I need to get laundry tossed around and going..The kitchen picked up and dinner started soon. I am happy that American Idol is on tonight. I was disappointed last night to realize it wasn't on..So tonight is going to be a good sit down dinner at the kitchen table and some good tv..Sounds good to me!

Hope you guys are having a great day! If you haven't checked out the current giveaway you can click the link below to get to it! Its a great giveaway! Leave a comment telling me what your favorite make up brush is and why...and you are entered!!! Winner will be picked on Monday of next week..


Got lots of post coming up so stay tuned!!

K Jaggers
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