** Wishful ** Wednesday

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

* I Wish today was more sunny..and not so rainy! *

* I Wish the DMV would not make things so
complicated *

* I Wish I could get on more of a schedule and wake up earlier *

* Wishing Oprah wasn't a re run today *

* I Wish my cats could figure out the breeding process a little better! *

* I Wish my passport would come in *

* I Wish I was with Brittany helping her with her homework more..instead of always doing it over the phone and computer *

* I Wish I could buy gallons of Mickey D Tea at other places like the grocery store instead of having to go to the restaurant all the time to get it *

* I Wish Cooper wouldn't have brought home his little friend today! *

* I really Wish the garbage wasn't tore up all over the yard...Job for Scott!! *

Well there are my *** Wishes *** for this wet Wednesday!
If you guys have any of your own Wishes..Feel free to leave them in the comments!

K Jaggers
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