Happy Thursday!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day Graphics

Hello Friends..

Hope you are having a great day!!

I am kinda being lazy at the moment but I am sure that will be changing as the day continues. I got up right at noon..Really happy about that it wasn't later. I am trying to get on some what of a normal schedule. I would prefer to get up between 10 and 11 every day. So going to try to get to bed earlier so I can make that happen!!!

Wow..what a great day yesterday! I am still thinking of that Biltmore Estate! Really fun to see that place. I could have stayed in the house for days checking stuff out!  I will be putting pictures up soon..Remember.. I had to sneak all the photos with my phone..So some of them are not the best but I wanted to give you guys a tour through my eyes! I was not taking no for an answer!!!! No way!! They would have had to kick me out..or take my phone and camera away! Scott thought we might get kicked out!!! I understand them not wanting some pictures because the flash will damage the fabrics.( my phone didn't have a flash) ... But that's no even the case. They said they didn't allow cameras because people are bending down to take pictures, tripping, and making it hard for others to get around them..WHAT?????????????
Whatever.. I got my pictures!! And next time I go.. I'll get more!!

I don't even know if I am leaving the house today. Scott wont be home till around 8:30 tonight so I have a lot of time on my hands..That's why I am not minding being in my sweats, on the couch right now! However, While I am downloading pictures...I am going to clean the house and also get a run in on the treadmill. I don't know how long I can do that but I am going to get on it for at least 30 minutes! I am thinking about sharing my challenge with you all on a different page on this blog! When I start that..I will be sure to tell you guys all about it!

Its a beautiful day here! The sun is shinning and there is a slight breeze.. I think its about 75 right now...Love it! The wind was going crazy last night! I think we are going to have rain over the weekend so better enjoy this pretty weather now!

I had such a good birthday..thanks to my friends and family. I couldn't ask for a better husband. He really does love me. Hes so good about showing it. After all these years together he still gives me goose bumps. He is a sensitive soul and I have to be careful what I say sometimes because I don't want to hurt his feelings..He is super super loving to me. I don't know any other man who cares like he does. Sometimes its hard for me because I am not the mushy one!! He is!! But I know how lucky I am to have him! Its been 7 yrs..NO BREAK UPS ever..and IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER!!!  Feels great to still be in love!

Well I am off to make the beds and pick up around here..
Lets not forget I need to run too!!!

Have a great day! I will be uploading pictures all day of our trip. I don't think I can get it all in one post! So there will be many!

And if you have not yet entered our giveway.. please click the link on → side of the blog at the very top!!! You have till April 1st!! So hurry and get entered!!


K Jaggers
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