Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Its almost 2 am and I have got to be getting to bed soon. I have to be up about 7:30 for a early morning appointment that I don't want to get up for. I should already be in bed but really what good is it going to do.. Who knows how long it will be before I fall to sleep..

But I thought I would say hi to all you guys first. Its been a pretty laid back night. I got into a argument tonight with a Young in experienced teen ager that I am glad is over..Only after having to block her on facebook..Ugh..What mess she is..I don't want to really relive any of that but it sure makes me grateful for the life I have. I wouldn't go back to her age if you paid me. I like being older, wiser, and more than ever I feel more and more comfortable in my own skin..And that has taken years..

I got some questions via email that I am going to try to get answered on here tomorrow..Its kinda like a tag.. They provide the beginning of the sentence and I have to finish it. Kinda neat..So I am going to try to work on that on my blackberry while I sit and wait for the appointment to be over tomorrow. I will have to transfer the answers to the computer but it will at least give me something to do till its over...and I know I am going to be falling asleep if I don't have something to do..

I wanted to talk about a few things.. I have made my life a open book on here. Not for attention but in the beginning it was for family and friends to keep up with us on. My husband and I have had to travel due to his work and it was always hard to keep up with us. Then it changed a bit into what my life is like being a stay at home wife and mother. Sure my kids couldn't travel with us so summers mean more to me than any other time of year. I have tried at being nothing but kind on here. There have been days when I have said more than I should have and at times I have said less to keep the peace. This blog is a piece of me.. of my life. If you don't like it then stop coming back to read it and for all you great friends, family, readers thank you for all your kind words and inspiration. I have only had a couple of negative things said on here and I understand that's just part of it. But.. I am so done with any kind of negative energy on here. Any and every post that I come across that was negative I am deleting. I am going to focus more on the good than the bad. I have always been one of these people that the glass was always half empty and my outlook is changing..I am always telling my friends to weed out the bad..Yet I have not done that myself. I simply don't want to relive any of those bad or negative feelings. What you put out you get back...I want to only put out good so that's the energy that comes back to me. I have things said about my cooking, or my cheap make up ( that I actually have thousands of dollars worth ), my cats,  my family , and I am done with it.. I have seriously thought about making this a private blog..But that would really be hard thing to do the private subscribers and readers. So at this point I am not. This blog is open and its all about MY life..If you know anything about me, then you know that I have had many ups and downs and my greatest accomplishments are my beautiful children and my husband. I could ask for better people to spend my life with. Not to mention I have a pretty good mom and dad! =) I have stopped expecting them to be who I want them to be and let them be themselves. I had a great family as child. My grandfather, uncle, brother, and friends all made my memories great as a child. My grand mother did too. She was tough as nails but she loved me too...All creating the person I am. I will not change for someone else. This blog will not change for someone else. Sure I talk about make up, sales, cooking, etc because I am a girly girl.. I talk about my family because they mean the world to me..Even that cheating cousin of mine means a lot to me. lol..And yes I include my cats in all kinds of post. Our animals mean the world to us. I dont know any way to live..We love our animals and I like to talk about them. My life is not that intresting but its my journey..Plain and Simple..

Sooo.. If you can handle this.. then I invite you to continue reading and walk through this life as I see it. It will be crazy at times, it will be fun at times, it will hard at times.. but most of all it will always be MY honest thoughts and opinions. I realize now that I have spent a lot of time doing reviews and cooking post when I should be talking more. Communicating is everything. I want to work harder on letting you all know more about me..

So I hope you guys keep reading.. I love all you guys. I think some people doubt how many people actually read this blog.. I am thinking that I will post the total views for the month soon..This is a busy blog! LOL...Like I said.. Love you guys!

Now that I have got all that off my chest, I need to get to bed..7:30 is going to come really soon!

Talk to you guys tomorrow!

K Jaggers
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