Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just a quick hello. Its noon and I just got home about 30 minutes ago. I couldn't be happier to be back here. I have NEVER been a morning person and today it was a struggle..I struggled to talk to Scott this morning, I struggled to smile, I struggled driving and I struggled with my time being taken up for almost 3 hours. But its over and I more than happy to be laying down for a bit to help me feel better.

I told you guys I would work on those questions where there is a partial sentence that I have to finish.. I worked on them off and on through my appointment. But still have many to go.. I think there is a total of 36 questions.. That's a lot! Hopefully this afternoon I will have them all done. Its kinda fun really find the truest answer!

I have to run out today too. Got to pick up something for dinner.. Thinking it should be a easy dinner to eat in front of the tv..American Idol is on tonight and I cant help but to be excited to watch! I love the new judges and the talent is aaaaammmmazing!!

Well I am going to go grab my pillow and blanket and lay on the couch till I get dreamy!

I just need a couple hours of sleep..By time I fell to sleep I got about 2 hrs of rest before the alarm was going off. Lucky I didnt end up upsetting someone today being I am acting like such a tired grump!

Going to rest up so I can enjoy the rest of the evening with my beautiful husband!
~ In a good mood!! ~

Happy Wednesday Friends!!

K Jaggers
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