Monday, February 28, 2011

What a loooong day today was..What a relief to know that its almost over.
 A fresh new day on its way!!

I don't know what has been going on around here but a weird energy has been going through our home for a few days now. No one is really getting along..if we are its just for a short while and its a struggle to get heard without speaking loud..Which I hate..Just not the most pleasant atmosphere..But tomorrow that will surly change.. It never feels good to be in a place where you are not heard or understood..That's life though..Ups and downs all for us to learn something from. My mind has been going in every which direction..Its been pretty frustrating..

Scott finally made it home from golf around ...We had to head right to the dealership to get it cleaned up..It took about 2 hours and wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Pretty simple stuff. I think it will take about an hour most nights. We do less on the week days than on the weekend. Tomorrow Scott works till 8 so I will meet him at the dealership, let Michael drive my car back home, clean it up and ride back with Scott..That means it will be about 9:30 before we get home. Making me have to really think about how to handle dinner. Its not going to be easy. If it wasn't for Michael I doubt I would be cooking anything big the nights we work late. I guess tomorrow I will fry up some bacon, and tator tots before heading to the dealership and let Michael fix himself a sandwich..

Gosh..What a day...Around the house today...

I got 2 loads of laundry tossed around..

Cleaned out the cat boxes

Swept the living room, dining room and kitchen..

Mopped the hard wood floors

Made up the beds..

Swept the front porch..

Took the garbage out..

Picked up the bath room.


Got little Gabby bathed..

She is nothing like Giovanni..She does not care for baths very much..She fought me the entire time!!

as you can see she was not too happy..And when I got out the hair dryer she was really upset. But now she is all clean and fluffy and feeling great! I think Giovanni was really happy he wasn't the one getting a bath this time!  

I need to try to get in a better mood..
So I am going to force myself to come up with 10 things I am grateful for tonight...


1. * Grateful for the sweet facebook emails from Brittany and Jackson this morning *

2. * Grateful that Scott put his thoughts in writing this morning too *

3. * Grateful for the beautiful weather we got today and for the rain coming tomorrow *

4. Grateful for opening up the back door for a few hours today and listening to the birds sing.

5. Grateful for a really good dinner at

Sushi Dojo

Where Scott and I enjoyed..




( Scott's Plate )

( My Plate )

6. * Grateful for the simple beauty of watching Gabby play today *

7. * Grateful to come to home from working and dinner to find Michael doing his own laundry.*

8. * Grateful to the Orajel that helped relieved pain from a chipped back tooth =( *

9. * Grateful that for the DVR that recorded the Oscars for me while I was gone...Which I am watching now! *

10. * Grateful for a tomorrow...A chance to do things better than today. *

With it being 2am I am thinking I better get my butt to bed. However, I dont really have to start my day early. Thank Goodness. I feel like sleep is about the only escape I am going to get..I hope that tomorrow is better...Maybe after everyone gets some sleep we will all feel better. No matter how mad I get.. I love my family and I am a blessed woman... who just wants to be heard more....

Ha...I knew Natlie Portman would win Best Actress in a leading roll..Knew it!!I have yet to see Black Swan but I know its amazing!!! And...Best Picture of the year .....The Kings Speach..My mom really loved that movie!! Havent seen that one either but will!!

Tomorrow I plan on doing a bit of cleaning, a bit of shopping, along with some blogging!!

ohh..Forgot to mention that tomorrow is ISTEP testing for Brittany..She will be taking test all day..She actually is a little worried about it..I told her to try her hardest and tried explaing that its important she does her best and show how smart she is! Good luck Princess. Mommy and Scott love you and Jackson very much!

Sweet dreams!

K Jaggers
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