Sunday, November 28, 2010
Orkut Good Night Scraps

Hello Friends...

Hope you are enjoying your night...Things around here have been a bit crazy but whats new! I will be glad to get a new day thats for sure. Its really more family issues than anything. That person who I blocked on fb started with the nasty texts and I am just not going to fight with them. Its not going to happen. Its better to say less instead of regretting words that can never be taken back. And to be honest...I love them and only wish them the best. I just cant handle their " words of wisdom"..But they are entitled to their opinion and even thought i dont agree with it, its ok for them to have it. I think my major part of the problem is I am kinda disappointed that I always have looked up to them and I expected more than what they are. Scott told me a while back that I hold people up to a level that a lot of times they cant even reach. Maybe thats the case here. The texts were pretty nasty but I figure that I must have really upset them being I blocked them and then wrote a 0 tolerance post that explained how I felt..However that was really not just for them. I have been wanting to get that post up for a long time now and after I blocked them, I thought it would be best to do that post..Really I didnt think they would read it but they did.. And re fb...they just seemed to be so negative about what I post, and this blog that I felt a break was needed. I didnt want to continue to feel berated and like a second class citizen because 1 or 2 people are being negative. So I am working hard to try to weed out people that dont really care about me or about my life. So if I burned a bridge that can NEVER be repaired ( their words ) then so be it...I dont think all the nastiness is necessary..I should make something clear that this person has only helped me with 1 situation many many yrs ago and only given advice since..Advice that I thought was the written word..More and more I started to realize that its not such good advice..I dont understand when people get mad for not taking their advice.

LIFE LESSON...Just because you ask for advice doesnt mean you have to take it..

 I ask a lot of people for advice..consider it all and then make my own decision..But re this situation...I think the less said the better..I dont want to say hurtful things that are only going to make it worse..They started the ball rolling on that and they roll that all on their own.

Besides that bit of drama tonight was rather calm. Scott was tired and ended up in bed pretty early. Then got up and hung out with me for bit. Both of us were kinda grumpy today but in the sheme of things it really didnt matter about the yard guy.. I guess I should not have gotten so upset over it. Now I wish I would have handled it a bit easier. But you live and you learn..Thats all anyone can do!

I ended up not cooking tonight. We just did left overs..I barley ate anything but now I have a growling stomach and going to have to get a late night snack before crawling in bed. I can grantee you that I am going to sleep good tonight. I have been tired all damn day.. Hopefully I can sleep in a looooong time!!

Little Gabby has been running around here like crazy today..She seems to be back to her normal self..She is finally looking better. I couldnt be happier. I cant express how much that cat means to me. She is right here beside me right now..Who knows maybe she will be a blogging cat one day! Doubt it but maybe..  =)

Well I am getting that snack and getting to bed...

Ohhhhh....Also wanted to say thank you to my great great friend S....Thank you for being there for me tonight and every time that I need you. Friends like you are hard to find..I really really appreciate all the love and support you have shown me over the last 20 yrs or so..wow..are really getting that old! lol..I couldnt ask for a better friend than you..I love you..♥

K Jaggers
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