Friday, March 12, 2010
Tonight baby ( Scott) made a long tiresome day much better by giving me some laughter, smiles, and above all love...
Since most of you don't really know much about me or my life, Scott and I met through a mutual friend... I was in a terrible relationship but stayed true and didn't pay much attention to how Scott felt about me..Every time I saw him, he would always ask if I was happy..My standard answer was always yes being I was in too much denial to admit the truth to him that my life was falling apart..
Time Passed and the terrible relationship ended and I was just a mess..Then one day our friend came to see me and brought Scott with him.. I can still hear his voice saying " Hello Sweetheart"..And then he simply asked me if I was happy?.. I gave him the truthful answer that No.. I was not happy.. From that moment on I guess Scott made it his mission to change that.. He told me and a couple of my friends that he was going to marry me long before he ever asked me out.. I just thought he was crazy! But from the moment I told him the truth, my life changed..He worked on the road and scooped me up and took me with him. And from there its been nothing but a devotion of love to me from him.. Really, how lucky am I to really have found love?? I wish more than anything he would have came around a lot sooner but maybe we both needed to find out what we wanted and to grow up before meeting..
For 6 yrs now he has been my everything..I don't know how my life would have turned out without him. He has made everyday better. And as a person he has never disappointed me. He has done things that are disappointing but really deep down he has never really disappointed me. He is not the kind of guy who is a cheater or liar... He is very energetic and a fast talker..But I don't mind those things.. And he is about the only man I have ever really had in my life that is funny as hell. We are complete opposites.. I am not a very outgoing person and he never meets a stranger. I have to say that it is a huge bonus to have someone who can make you laugh on a hard day.. And that is what he did tonight. I haven't been feeling really good today and was really missing him today but tonight he must have made me smile a 100 times.
I wont say that there are not days where I am frustrated with him.. Because there are. But there are many more good days than bad. We have both invested so much into each other. I am not the best at trusting but he has earned mine.. After yrs of searching his emails and phone like a crazy person, I have found nothing. After years of him always coming home to me he has proven that he is fully dedicated to making our life together in the best way possible. And to top it off he is one of the hardest workers that I have ever met. He is a finance manager at a dealership and the hours are crazy yet he is always working hard for us. Not just him.. But for us.
I am so thankful that he is my partner in this life. He has shown me love and loyality beyond measure. And tonight I realized that maybe a lifetime together is not long enough.
Until forever ends, I will love you Scott. Thanks for all the great laughs and smiles you have given me. The memories we are creating together will stay with me in my spirit till the end of time.
K Jaggers ♥
2 comments on "SMILES, SMILES, SMILES"
  1. Very touching Kisha! Love your story :)

    Melissa Cain

  2. Thanks Melissa..Sometimes he does stuff that just makes my heart melt.


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