Thursday, March 11, 2010
Spring is right around the corner for us..We live in upstate Ohio and this last winter seemed harder than previous ones.. Not only was the snow hard to deal with, the shorter days and a closed up house only made for more of a depressing time. But today.....the sun is out, the birds are chirping, and our windows are open!
It has been a little hard coming out of the depressed mood I have been in..There is so much to do around the house and there never seems to be enough time to get it all done. Yet with this burst of spring I feel hopeful. Hopeful that I will find more motivation to get things spruced up around here, hopeful that I will start taking a little bit better care of myself, and hopeful that this summer will be the best ever.
We have lots of things going on in our lives right now. Scott is about to be a grandpa in May and we both are so excited for that new baby to get here, Brittany and Jackson will be here during summer break which will also bring a little more laughter into the house.. I just feel better in this spring like weather.. More of a reason to argue the point that we should be in south Florida learning Spanish right now!
The cats are loving the windows being open..Giovanni is wanting to be outside soooo bad...Last fall I tried using a halter and a light weight lead to allow him to go wonder around on the porch but he hated it..Maybe we will have to give it another try...Gabby is still getting use to all the outside sounds but she seems to be enjoying the weather too!
Today is a beginning.. I am going to try to get things in order around here...First is to just pick up around here while working on the laundry..Got to clean out the cat boxes too..YUCK...Then going to work on the pantry and possibly the upstairs. I want this house looking good and smelling good! And spring after all is the best time for a new beginning!
K Jaggers ♥
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