~ Work ~

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wow.. its a big big cleaning day around here. Husby is home.. working and doing all kinds of things.. he is just running back to the dealership for few minutes so I got a little peace and quiet! I have been cleaning but still so much to do. The kitchen is still a mess from baking last night but I did get..

a big roast in the oven! YUMMMMM!!!

You know, it took me going to cooking school to really figure out the whole roast thing. My grandmother would always cook them in the pressure cooker but that thing scared me. But I figured it all out.. and my roast now are to die for! I did do step by step pictures and will get them posted tonight or tomorrow. Its super easy and once its in the oven, you can just go along with what you are doing. It has to cook 3 or 4 hours so our dinner wont be happening till after 8pm. The lid on the pot does not come open, not even once till I am ready to serve it.

So that's cooking away... and I also sent out one of the

Jaggers Family

{ From Our Home To Yours }

Gift boxes

This one had an extra cookie tin in it.. He wants to take it to one of the guys from the dealership who is going on vacation and then just a tin of cookies to another one of the guys. They do a lot of favors for us and its just a way to say

Thank you

I don't know what I am cleaning next.. but I have to get up and get busy!

Hope you are having a great day.. what's going on in your home?? Email me!!!

K Jaggers
1 comment on "~ Work ~"
  1. Ok.
    So I just found your blog from the Collective Hop and let me tell you.
    I would have followed you just for your adorable blog design if nothing else!! :)
    But, seriously.
    You love being home?
    You love to cook?
    You went to culinary school???
    Can I say I love you?
    Too soon?
    I'll just tell you that I think we might be brothers. ;)
    Except I didn't actually go to cooking school. Just dream about it for some day.
    your newest follower
    Christa @ The Me & Mine Book


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