Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hello! I have to be quick because we leave in a few hours! I have a lot of stuff done but now I am just trying to finish up last minute things so I am ready by time Scott gets here.

If I haven't responded to your email.. I am really sorry.. I think the sun actually set a little earlier yesterday! It just didn't have enough hours for me to get everything done! So I will try to respond to some over the trip but there is a good chance that I wont get to all them before we get back. Again.. if you need to contact me.. shoot me an email at They come in on my phone so I will be able to read them. I just don't respond to them on my phone.. However..if I am bored in the car.. I just might! =)

For any of you guys who wants to know our tentative schedule while we are there just keep reading!



Leaving around 4 pm and driving to Mobile Alabama to rest.. ( if we can make it that far before wanting to stop! )



Get up by 730 and be on the road by 8 am.. I am sure I will be sleeping as soon as we hit the road.. But Scott till drive till I wake up and take over.

Arrive in Huston Texas Sunday Evening!

See my kids!, get unpacked, and relax!



Monday is a free day.. I thought we should really rest after the long drive.. We will be staying around the house and probably going to the pool.. But should be a pretty easy day! Maybe I can answer some emails during this time!



Tuesday is the Huston Zoo.. Should be a great day! I just hope its a great zoo.. Back home in Louisville KY we have a really nice zoo.. and there have been many times I have been disappointed because of others not being up to par.. But looking forward to this one!



Wednesday is going to be heading to the water park for the day!



Thursday we pick my sister up from the airport and drive on to San Antonio to go do the river walk..Getting a hotel and then resting up for Friday..

However.. we are trying to figure out what to do with the animals.. We are considering picking up Laci staying home and taking off to San Antino the following morning..


Taking Sammy and the cats to the neighbors for the night. Not so sure what think of that.. But either way it will be ok!


Friday we all head to Sea World..



Saturday mom planned a girls and guys day.. We are doing nails, pedicures and we are all taking a painting class together. The guys will be doing go carts, pizza, etc.



For Fathers Day we are staying around the house and hanging out. I think we are cooking out and just enjoying the day!



Brunch with the family then we pack the car up and drive 1/2 way home and then stop for the night..



We drive the rest the way home!


Life goes back to normal!

Ok.. I have been on here long enough..

The clock is ticking!

Talk to you guys when I have time! I will probably blog at the hotel later tonight if I'm not too tired!

Right now its back to packing!

K Jaggers
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