Hi friends! Happy Thursday to you all. I am back today sharing a new Thankful Thursday post. I think it's really important to find something to be happy for everyday. We all have days when life takes over and stress kicks in. But simply keeping record of things you are thankful for can truly be life changing.
Here's what I am thankful for this week:
Here's what I am thankful for this week:
♥ This was a pretty nice week at work. I really do enjoy my job and the people I see everyday. I couldn't really ask for more in that regard.
♥ I am so happy that I actually remembered Romeos birthday this year! That kitty cat means so much to me. He's just purrrfect!
♥ More time with my family. They light up my world and I am so thankful to be here with them. I am thankful I got to be with my grandmother in her final days. I am thankful for being home.

♥ I have really enjoyed a lot of movies here lately. I don't watch a ton of tv but Ryan and I have been staying in and just laying back watching movies.
♥ I am happy that Laura is back to work. She is growing stronger each day.
♥ My mom has an amazing relationship with Jackson. I love it. They plan on taking a big trip this summer. I am so happy he has her. It means a lot to me.
♥ I am thankful for a boyfriend I have so much history with. We have so many memories in common that goes back to first grade. God put him in my life then for a reason....and now for a reason.
♥ For homemade cleaning products. It helps me save money and it works just as good. I have a bunch of recipes you can find here. And I will show you what i am currently using in a new video sometime soon!
♥ I am thankful and blessed for the loads of comments that you guys leave on my videos, posts, photos. I never imagined how blogging and making videos would change my life. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart.
♥ I am grateful that my uncle is ok after a tornado tore his home apart Wednesday morning. It could have been a lot worse.
♥ For my little grandchildren. They are so cute and precious and are a dose of fresh air around our family.
♥ I am happy and thankful for good wine on long days. I don't drink daily but sometimes I am so thankful for a glass of wine in a quite house. Yes Please.
♥ That Trump actually sounded more presidential in his address to Congress. I think that's because of his daughter and God knows I am thankful she is trying to dial him back a bit. At least it was better.
♥ I finally figured out the problem I was having importing photos from my iphone 6+. I was getting so frustrated but once I got it fixed ( after a few days ) I was so happy!
♥ I am happy with our little girl group that gets together almost everyday at Lauras. I think we could solve the worlds troubles if given the time. I love that we all have each other to lean on. I couldn't be more blessed in terms of a support system with them and the other ladies in my life.
♥ For cuddles with Ryan. He is always holding my hand, touching me or snuggling in the bed. It feels amazing. It feels right and I know I am blessed because he is here.
Thanks so much for stopping by today. I am about to head out the door to go to work. Have a great day...I'll see ya soon! xx
♥ I am happy and thankful for good wine on long days. I don't drink daily but sometimes I am so thankful for a glass of wine in a quite house. Yes Please.
♥ That Trump actually sounded more presidential in his address to Congress. I think that's because of his daughter and God knows I am thankful she is trying to dial him back a bit. At least it was better.
♥ I finally figured out the problem I was having importing photos from my iphone 6+. I was getting so frustrated but once I got it fixed ( after a few days ) I was so happy!
♥ I am happy with our little girl group that gets together almost everyday at Lauras. I think we could solve the worlds troubles if given the time. I love that we all have each other to lean on. I couldn't be more blessed in terms of a support system with them and the other ladies in my life.
♥ For cuddles with Ryan. He is always holding my hand, touching me or snuggling in the bed. It feels amazing. It feels right and I know I am blessed because he is here.
Thanks so much for stopping by today. I am about to head out the door to go to work. Have a great day...I'll see ya soon! xx
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