Hello friends! I hope you are having a beautiful evening. I am back with my Thankful Thursday post when I share what I am grateful for in this past week. It really is life changing to go through your blessings each day...let alone one day of the week. Here's my thankful list and blessings! ♥
♥ I am thankful that our cold weather has not been as bad as some. We here in SC have had some chilly nights but no snow or ice.
♥ I am thankful that my old friend is being treated for her cancer. I couldn't get a hold of her and knew she slipped away to The Cancer Institute of America. I am blessed to have had her as a friend and I am worried about her. Please keep her in your prayers.
♥ I am thankful I got the big job of grooming all the cats in the house. It was a huge job but today I bathed and groomed 4 Persian Cats. A job I am not always fond of...and neither are they. But its done and they all look so much better!
♥ I am thankful for the warm cups of hot cocoa that have edged off the chill of the night. Plus the marshmallows make my sweet tooth happy!
♥ I am thankful and blessed for a husband who works long hours to provide for us. I don't always like him being gone for such long periods of time, but I am thankful that he is a hard worker and he does it for us.
♥ I am thankful we are having our family come for Thanksgiving. It won't be everyone but I am thankful for everyone who comes and visits! It should be a great time!
♥ I am thankful that Houseparty got their website fixed and I was selected for the Hasbro Gaming Party. Totally love that because we love board games!! And with the cooler months, we break them out more.
♥ I am thankful for Netflix. Yep... I sure am! I have been catching up on all kinds of shows and finding new ones too. I just watched Mr. Brown With Judy Dench and it was amazing. Its the life of Queen Victoria after Albert died....how did I ever miss this movie!?
♥ I am thankful for the fireplace. I seriously love it and only wish I had a bar thing across the top so I could cook over the fire. How cool would that be....I would totally be the pioneer woman if I could get that started!
♥ I am thankful that Jackson's school is stepping up a little more. I know its hard to control a school full of kids but if we must send our kids there, then they should protect them all...plain and simple.
♥ I am thankful my sister seems to be doing so good with her job at Disney. She lives in Orlando and went to school for entertaining so its the perfect fit. You should seriously see some of the parties and activities she goes to. It feels to me like she has found a great opportunity. Here's a couple of her pictures of different parties she has been to this past week....I didn't think she would mind me showing them! She's the one in the blue shirt!
♥ I am thankful for Obama's Healthcare plan. I was nervous about insurance for Jackson. Scott's insurance through work is outrageous and I got a plan for Jackson alone through Obamacare and it has covered everything so well. No problems... Low copays... and low prescriptions. I might be one of the few happy with it but I am grateful because before we were paying big time for Jackson's insurance and now its a fraction of the cost. That is a blessing.
♥ I am thankful for all the pretty colors of the leaves even if they are flying through the air. Soon they will be all gone with one more good rain but the vivid colors outside.
♥ I am thankful that I finally got the big stack of mail on my desk sorted. I burnt the old documents that didn't matter and filed the rest. I hate lots of paperwork.
♥ I am thankful and blessed with Shanna, one of my closest friends on the planet. She is totally a supportive friend who I truly adore. I am thankful for all the time she listens to my crazy ass.
♥ I am thankful that this little elephant was able to save his own life. I was scared for that little guy.. I love cats and elephants the same and it was hard to see but I bet that baby elephant was grateful for the that day!
♥ I am grateful for Tylenol. I've had a lot of evening headaches this week. Not migraines because the Tylenol worked. Plus its helped with the backaches.
♥ I am thankful for all my new subscribers and blog friends! On Youtube I am almost to 10k. WOW! How exciting. I know that is not huge in terms of youtube but to me that's alot of people. Thank you... thank you...thank you. I love you guys.
I hope you have a blessed and beautiful night.

♥ I am thankful that our cold weather has not been as bad as some. We here in SC have had some chilly nights but no snow or ice.
♥ I am thankful that my old friend is being treated for her cancer. I couldn't get a hold of her and knew she slipped away to The Cancer Institute of America. I am blessed to have had her as a friend and I am worried about her. Please keep her in your prayers.
♥ I am thankful I got the big job of grooming all the cats in the house. It was a huge job but today I bathed and groomed 4 Persian Cats. A job I am not always fond of...and neither are they. But its done and they all look so much better!

♥ I am thankful and blessed for a husband who works long hours to provide for us. I don't always like him being gone for such long periods of time, but I am thankful that he is a hard worker and he does it for us.
♥ I am thankful we are having our family come for Thanksgiving. It won't be everyone but I am thankful for everyone who comes and visits! It should be a great time!
♥ I am thankful that Houseparty got their website fixed and I was selected for the Hasbro Gaming Party. Totally love that because we love board games!! And with the cooler months, we break them out more.
♥ I am thankful for Netflix. Yep... I sure am! I have been catching up on all kinds of shows and finding new ones too. I just watched Mr. Brown With Judy Dench and it was amazing. Its the life of Queen Victoria after Albert died....how did I ever miss this movie!?
♥ I am thankful for the fireplace. I seriously love it and only wish I had a bar thing across the top so I could cook over the fire. How cool would that be....I would totally be the pioneer woman if I could get that started!
♥ I am thankful that Jackson's school is stepping up a little more. I know its hard to control a school full of kids but if we must send our kids there, then they should protect them all...plain and simple.
♥ I am thankful my sister seems to be doing so good with her job at Disney. She lives in Orlando and went to school for entertaining so its the perfect fit. You should seriously see some of the parties and activities she goes to. It feels to me like she has found a great opportunity. Here's a couple of her pictures of different parties she has been to this past week....I didn't think she would mind me showing them! She's the one in the blue shirt!
See... it does look like a lot of fun huh!? Yea... I totally should have went into party planning myself. Tell me that's not a great job for a girl in her 20's! Laci...I think you got the right job this time in the right country! :) I love you!
♥ I am thankful for Obama's Healthcare plan. I was nervous about insurance for Jackson. Scott's insurance through work is outrageous and I got a plan for Jackson alone through Obamacare and it has covered everything so well. No problems... Low copays... and low prescriptions. I might be one of the few happy with it but I am grateful because before we were paying big time for Jackson's insurance and now its a fraction of the cost. That is a blessing.
♥ I am thankful that I finally got the big stack of mail on my desk sorted. I burnt the old documents that didn't matter and filed the rest. I hate lots of paperwork.
♥ I am thankful and blessed with Shanna, one of my closest friends on the planet. She is totally a supportive friend who I truly adore. I am thankful for all the time she listens to my crazy ass.
♥ I am thankful that this little elephant was able to save his own life. I was scared for that little guy.. I love cats and elephants the same and it was hard to see but I bet that baby elephant was grateful for the that day!
♥ I am grateful for Tylenol. I've had a lot of evening headaches this week. Not migraines because the Tylenol worked. Plus its helped with the backaches.
♥ I am thankful for all my new subscribers and blog friends! On Youtube I am almost to 10k. WOW! How exciting. I know that is not huge in terms of youtube but to me that's alot of people. Thank you... thank you...thank you. I love you guys.
I hope you have a blessed and beautiful night.