Week in Review w/ DITL Vlog & Weekly To Do's

Monday, February 1, 2016

Hello friends. I hope you are having a wonderful evening. It's been a busy evening for me but I thought I would sit down and share a little bit about our week. I had a bunch of clips from the past week so here they are all rolled together. Hope you enjoy. 

This past week started out with the kids out of school and enjoying time out in the snow. Since there wasn't a ton of places for them to really get in some good sledding. So Scott loaded them up and headed to one of his favorite golf courses and let them have some fun! 
I would have never thought of the golf course for sledding but since it's one of Scott's favorite places, he thought of it right away. It was better than neighbors complaining and it had so many better hills! They loved it. It was also nice having Scott home a little earlier too. Just for a couple of days our world slowed down. Kids got a few happy days of the snow and even Super Cooper loved it! 

Last week I had a lot of days when I just felt terrible. I wasn't really focused on vlogging but instead feeling better. It actually took a few days of laying around feeling awful and at the same time trying to keep up with the simplest of tasks around the house. It's been a challenge to say the least. Since I was in unable to do a ton around the house, I managed to update the calendars which helped. It helped because it has been something I have needed to do for a while. My weekly agenda is always filled out but I needed to list out all the kids activities and such in the monthly layout which I managed even while sick. Pretty much by Sunday, I was trying to will myself to feel better. I decided when I woke up the first time Sunday morning I would just stay in bed and try to get as much rest as possible. I totally needed it. Scott apparently needed it as well because he slept in just like I did. We hung out the majority of the day and here we are...at a new week. :) Here's some of the things I need to get done this week. ( In no particular order ) 

:: Get rid of dying plant in the kitchen. The cold weather just came right through the windows and killed it. 
:: Clean up chalkboard walls and update
:: Record videos....on time. 
:: Call and check on grandma. 
:: Sort our endless sock basket. 
:: Have more patience with Scott. I love that man but he drives me crazy sometimes. 
:: Clean out car...it really needs it. 
:: Call Jackson's Dr regarding prescriptions. 
:: Quick cleanup of the refrigerator. 
:: Make time to get on the treadmill. 
:: Clean out under kitchen sink
:: Try out pressure cooker for a dessert recipe. 
:: Order some new candles
:: Go through Jackson's Backpack for important " lost " papers. 
:: Brush out kitty cats
:: Clean up DVR
:: Edit photos for a review
:: Wash bedding and hang out ( actually in the house ) to dry. 
:: Check on Etsy orders. 
:: Menu plan for next week. 
:: Get my moms coat mailed off before she kills me! Sorry mom.
:: Keep taking Chantrix....yep trying to stop again. 

Here's some inspiration to take with you through your week: 

Thank you for stopping by. Sorry about ranting about the neighbor. I just found it incredibly annoying and I guess I have already wasted enough time on it. No love lost to say the least. I am actually starting to feel better and couldn't be more thankful. It has been totally exhausting feeling so bad. I feel like today I accomplished a lot but not enough. I guess certain things will have to wait because I am heading upstairs and spending sometime with the kids. They are laughing non stop which I guess really is contagious.....I want to go laugh too! See ya soon. xx
1 comment on "Week in Review w/ DITL Vlog & Weekly To Do's"
  1. Sorry you weren't feeling well. Hope you feel back to normal soon. Missed your videos. Glad you finally got you new camera enjoy it. I hate winter weather. The snow from the blizzard was enough it will probably be around until spring. Doesn't help being on the shady side of street.


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