Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. I am back with a quick week in review post sharing how this past week went. Normally I would have a day in the life vlog to include but this past week I just didn't vlog that much. I plan on starting back up today and will probably have one up mid week or next Monday. Today I have been struggling to get myself motivated to get everything accomplished on my to do list. The picture above couldn't be more right on! I have checked all my favorite websites and emails....enjoyed coffee and thought about all I need to get done.
Notes from my Midori:
:: Make sure trash is out
:: Take Chantix
:: Respond to emails
:: Toss laundry around. Fold & put away.
:: Record Sticker Haul
:: Clean out frig
:: Menu plan
:: Update Chalkboard Walls
:: Work on grocery list
:: Edit, save and upload video
:: Call about hotel points
:: Listen to voicemails
:: Start beef stew early this evening.
:: New coat of Sally Hansen Miracle Nail
:: Clean Coopers dishes
:: Get Valentines for Scott and the kids
:: Weekly Cleaning on Wednesday
I have really been loving this notebook for everything. I have been using it for my monthly and daily calendars, my youtube/blog schedule book, and another insert for notes. It's been working so well for me. In the next few weeks I will be taking you though some planner stickers and supplies that I like to use before I share my setup. :) However I do have a video sharing these notebooks in detail
right here in case you want a closer look at them.

This past week went pretty good. Besides some online drama, I felt like it was a nice week. The days flew by. I am still wishing for the clocks to change. I don't know about you but I could totally use an extra hour of daylight. I feel like I am still playing catch up on things around the house. I just keep moving forward and maybe one day I will be all caught up. Doubt it! On Thursday Scott was off work. I can pretty much plan on nothing getting done on his days off. We just laid around the house together and enjoyed a day of tv together. It was actually really nice having him home. I might complain about Scott being hyper but we miss him a lot when he's gone. So I try to make the best out of his days off....even if that means it's a day of sleeping in and enjoying netflix. I mean...that really doesn't sound that bad does it?
Another interesting thing that happened this past week was us finally deciding on a March weekend trip to Indiana. Brittany is competing with Cheer-leading and really wants us to be there to watch. I couldn't say no. I was going to go alone but we thought it might just be fun for everyone! Plus I thought it might be nice for Zane to see the area I am wanting to move him to! ( BTW...Brittany is right behind the coach's shoulder...brown hair! )
Besides watching her cheer I plan on seeing our oldest daughter and other family as well. I am sure I can pack a weekend full of things to do easily. I'm starting to figure out the hotel and everything else it takes to make a trip happen. I'm really excited and I hope we have a wonderful time!

The weekend showed up and we pretty much enjoyed it at home. The kids are doing really good with getting along....playing outside....and learning that it's not always up to mom and dad to be the entertainment. It's been fun watching them just be kids. Both seem so happy and free. Saturday we all slept in. Jackson got up at 12pm and was the first up...then me and Zane was last. I guess we all needed some extra hours. I choose to make my bed my little office and worked online re doing the blog design to incorporate a sidebar and some new colors. There are some additional changes as well but I am sure you can see them for yourself. Take a second to scroll all the way down to find everything. I have some links to my favorites below as well. It took a long while to get it changed up but I like the end result and I hope you do too.
Sunday was pretty much the same. We were all lucky to sleep in and woke up feeling rested. Well...actually I woke up tired because Jackson woke up early and was so loud through out the house. I guess Saturday he got all the extra sleep he needed! Scott and I decided to watch some of the Beverly Hills Cop Movies. We watched 2 before the Superbowl and I watched the 3rd when I went to bed. Gosh...so many laughs! I forgot how funny those old movies are.

Also over the weekend I got around to a little shopping. If you haven't seen the haul yet...
it's right here. I needed to pick up a few things but I wasn't prepared and will have to go back sometime either Tuesday or Wednesday. Once the game started on Sunday I got busy making the snacks and a big easy chicken taco dinner that they really seemed to enjoy. The cheese dip/queso made everyone happy! I personally think it was the best part of dinner! Scott and the boys really enjoyed watching the game together. With Zane now living here full time we are getting to experience a lot of 1st with him. This was the first time he has ever watched the Super Bowl with his dad. And Jackson enjoyed it as well. They ate, laughed, drank Cokes and had a boys night! I wish I would have taken more pictures but I was busy trying to get things ready for this week. It was a fun night at home. :)
Here's some inspiration to take with you....
This picture I am printing out and hanging in the house. I need to teach it to my kids and I also need to remember myself. There has been a lot of negative energy floating around making me forget all about manners. I needed the refreshed for sure! I hope you guys have a wonderful week. I will be back later today with a new What's Cookin Video so be sure to come back and check it out! Happy Monday!
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