Love the Home You Have 31 Day Challenge | Days 1 & 2 | Video

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hello friends! I hope you Saturday evening is going well. I am back tonight starting off our new January Love the Home You Have Challenge. I fell in love with this charming book ( which you can find right here ) and for months now I have wanted to do the 31 day challenge in the back of the book. However, we had Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December. So for a fresh year, month and day I thought January was the perfect time to challenge not only myself but you guys too in the daily tasks designed to help us love our homes more. It's no secret this house we are in hasn't really felt like home. And regardless if we are moving in the future or staying put....this challenge will hopefully help me to get rid of clutter, make the house cleaner and help me appreciate everything I do have. I plan on posting these videos every Saturday in January and also daily on instagram. I would love it if you followed along! Here's how the first couple of challenges went. Hope you enjoy! 

So as you can see, the challenges so far are easy. It's just taking a few minutes each day to follow her road-map to making our homes a place were we love and appreciate. I found the book to be a very easy fast read with tons of information help you through your home love journey! Don't forget to check out my instagram to see the challenges being done in real time and then come check out the videos on Saturdays! Thanks so much for watching. I hope you have a beautiful and blessed night. I am off to edit a What's Cooking Video to share tomorrow and enjoy some time with my family. 

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