Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. Right now we are in the middle of Vlogmas.Vlogmas or Vlogidays ( last year ) can mean different things to different youtubers and or bloggers. Most of the time it means a daily vlog each day. I am kinda going to go at it in my own way this year. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and come spend an hour with us! Hope you enjoy!
Just in case you missed any of the vlogs from this past week, here they are! They include hauls, cleaning, and just random happenings around the house. I know we are in " Vlogmas " but everyday is not Christmas through the month of December. We still have real life going on and slowly working our way into Christmas. ♥
In addition to the vlogs this past week I post some additional videos as well. This video takes you through some of my December planning where I share with you some really sweet stickers from the Crafty Pond. You can use KISHA20 for 20% off everything in her shop through the month. :)
Later last night I let this video go live sharing our Daily Meals. It has not been posted here yet so here you go. If you do not subscribe to my channel but only to my blog ....this video is also new for you! I take you through some of the yummy comfort style means vlog style sharing not only what we had to eat but me in the kitchen a little too!
There's not a whole lot that I need to write about when I am filming so much. :) Our week was ok. It was a little bit of everything. We are still slowly moving into Christmas. I am still trying to find balance in my life all the way around. I don't like feeling behind or overwhelmed. This week I plan on sticking with my planner and doing my best to get things checked off one by one. I have had a lot of trouble sleeping here lately so I have been tired a lot which doesn't help at all. That's another thing I want to try to accomplish. Actually a full of sleep. Gosh that would be nice. I really want to get through the holidays and move into a new year and start fresh....but in the meantime here's some things I need to get done this week
- work out of planner to accomplish as much as possible.
- cut nails
- go through bills and put on calendar.
- put away laundry
- scoop cat boxes...yuck!
- scoop cat boxes...yuck!
- clean ceiling fans. I think this is a new obsession for me!
- make time to get on treadmill. Actually make the time.
- reply to holiday cards that have arrived and mail out.
- pre-make breakfast for the boys.
- clean up 1st floor closet.....I seriously have no idea how they get messed up so fast.
- check kids phones.
- clean pet dishes.
- Go through back packs.
- Go through back packs.
- work on December calendar and plans.
- get a haircut sometime this week. No more putting it off.
- fill up birdfeeders.
- go through Christmas decorations and start getting them out.
- make more cookies....snicker doodles this time.
- sync fitbit with app on phone.
- make some fresh juice
- whiten teeth
- figure out holiday treats to bake
- Still need to figure out to get rid of all the pictures on my phone. I might just see if I can take it to the apple store or something. My phone is great but getting all the pictures off it a pain in the ass.
- call ex husband and go over holiday plans.
- Make some time this week to spend with the boys alone.
- Brush out cats
Here's some inspiration to take with you through the week!
- make some fresh juice
- whiten teeth
- figure out holiday treats to bake
- Still need to figure out to get rid of all the pictures on my phone. I might just see if I can take it to the apple store or something. My phone is great but getting all the pictures off it a pain in the ass.
- call ex husband and go over holiday plans.
- Make some time this week to spend with the boys alone.
- Brush out cats
Here's some inspiration to take with you through the week!
Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you all have a wonderful week. I plan on bringing in the Christmas tree and hopefully getting the lights on it this evening sometime. Christmas is coming around slowly in the house but that's ok. Little by little we will get festive. :) I still have a lot to do throughout the week. Be sure to come back and check out our latest vlog each day!
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