Hello friends! I hope your weekend is going well. I'm sorry that I haven't been around. It's been busy around here and I simply haven't made the time for something I actually love so much. I am going to work harder at making sure blogging gets back on the schedule! Anyway, I am here today playing catch up sharing 2 different vlogs. Vlogmas or Vlogidays ( last year ) can mean different things to different youtubers and or bloggers. Most of the time it means a daily vlog each day. I am kinda going to go at it in my own way this year. I am hoping to vlog daily but I will sometimes be switching it up! I am not going to announce any changes before hand but instead we will just roll with it together in the moment. So here's to the holidays with some new Vlogmas videos. Hope you enjoy!
These vlogs are in order by date. The first one is the oldest and the second is the most recent.
In order for me to get back on schedule today with the videos and this blog, I will have to post another tonight. It's currently uploading on youtube and I will share it later tonight. So come back and check it out! :) Today I have a lot I want to get done but feeling soooooo sleepy right now! I got up early but probably could have used a couple more hours of sleep. I hope you are having a wonderful day. I'll be back soon!
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Kisha, I have been a viewer of your YouTube channel regularly for the past few months. Just wanted to say Thank-You for taking the time to faithfully create and upload. - Trey