Hello friends! I hope you are having a great morning. Today I am back with another Vlogmas video for you guys! Vlogmas or Vlogidays ( last year ) can mean different things to different youtubers and or bloggers. Most of the time it means a daily vlog each day. I am kinda going to go at it in my own way this year. I am hoping to vlog daily but I will sometimes be switching it up! I am not going to announce any changes before hand but instead we will just roll with it together in the moment. So here's to the holidays with some new Vlogmas videos. Hope you enjoy!
I was actually suppose to post this over the weekend. I don't know why making time to sit down in front of the computer has been so hard for me the past couple of weeks. I think the house and my family is what sometimes distracts me but I guess late is better than never. :) Right now there is another vlog uploading that I hopefully will not forget to share later. I can't believe how fast we are moving into Christmas. It's this week!!! I seriously can't believe it. Are you moving right along with all your holiday shopping, baking, cleaning? I still have a lot of cookies to bake in the next couple of days but feel like I am just starting to get things back to normal around here. Come on 2016!
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