Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. However this week, I am only sharing one vlog. There was just not that much going on. I actually debated putting this up, because it's kinda emotional at certain parts. Just know that I am forging on with a new day and a new week. Hope you enjoy.
It seemed like a lot of the week consisted of cleaning things up around the house which is a never ending job. There is ALWAYS something around here that needs to be cleaned up, organized, put away or thrown away. This is the time of the year when I like to have a fresh start of sorts. A new school year starting totally feels like a new year to me. It always has. But busy days have passed and more are to come. We got a lot of school shopping done and out of the way. I have 2 more back to school appointments for Jackson this week and then school starts on Monday. I actually think my days will be a lot more productive than what they are right now after he is back to school. It's easy to sit back and play with him and not get much done. However, since starting to get up earlier which actually started this past May, I have been busy in the mornings and making the afternoons my own. It's different each day but I am happy with the extra time.
Jackson has been loving his time off from school. All the other kids in the family have started back already and he still has the rest of this week to go! He's been taking advantage of summers of the golf course with Scott. His summers actually work out well because he has 1/2 the summer with his dad hunting, fishing and such and the other 1/2 of the summer with his step dad and friends. Its a well rounded summer for Jackson to say the least. He wants to go paint some ceramics before school starts back up so we might just have to put that on the to do list too. The week flew by for me. I remember Monday clearly of last week and then it all seemed to go by in a flash.
This past week I have been noticing some problems since installing Windows 10 and I kept trying to fix the bugs. However, I just couldn't deal with it and ended up working with tech support from Dell on Saturday to resolve the issues and get my computer working right again. It was hours on end. He just took over the computer from India and did his thing. Thankfully I got it all back to normal and then Sunday I spent most of the day installing updates and software that was erased. Its been a long process. Once again...I feel behind on everything.
To Do's
- Get back on schedule with videos. A couple of days of a messed up computer changes things fast.
- Get Jackson to bed sooner this week before school starts next Monday.
- Re organize a couple closets this week.
- Make Banana bread!
- Clean up porches
- Continue to wake up early and execute morning routine.
-Wrap up giveaway prizes and get them to the post office by Thursday.
- Catch up on videos...need to grab husby to come help with a couple. :)
- Buy Jackson another pair of earbuds
- Keep looking for new puppy....and find it soon!
- Walk on treadmill more.
- Find some candles for the fireplace.
- Replace water in fresh flowers.
- Find time to write some movie reviews....actually do a full blog post. Why does that seem so hard right now?
- Run to walmart for organizing supplies.
- Bath all the cats....it's totally happening today.
- Check PO Box
- Keep looking for a new house that we would be happier in.
- Wash floor mats out in car. I think it smells weird in the car and not sure why.
- Clean up desk....it's a disaster!
- Start making some freezer breakfast items before school starts.
- Make Banana bread!
- Clean up porches
- Continue to wake up early and execute morning routine.
-Wrap up giveaway prizes and get them to the post office by Thursday.
- Catch up on videos...need to grab husby to come help with a couple. :)
- Buy Jackson another pair of earbuds
- Keep looking for new puppy....and find it soon!
- Walk on treadmill more.
- Find some candles for the fireplace.
- Replace water in fresh flowers.
- Find time to write some movie reviews....actually do a full blog post. Why does that seem so hard right now?
- Run to walmart for organizing supplies.
- Bath all the cats....it's totally happening today.
- Check PO Box
- Keep looking for a new house that we would be happier in.
- Wash floor mats out in car. I think it smells weird in the car and not sure why.
- Clean up desk....it's a disaster!
- Start making some freezer breakfast items before school starts.
Here's some inspiration to take with you through the week...
Thank you so much for stopping by. I plan on keeping busy with things around the house. I have tried to get post up for hours on end but I have stopped and worked on this or that...taken phone calls and so much more. But I hope you are having a great Tuesday...I'll see ya soon! Thanks for stopping by. I'd love it if you got subscribed! ↓ xx