Reflecting/Looking Back | July 2015 | VIDEO

Friday, July 31, 2015

Hello friends! Happy Friday to you all. :) I'll try to get another edition of Friday letters up a little later. For some odd reason, I woke up this morning not feeling good so needless to say, things are not happening that fast today. However, I do have a new interesting video to share with you. I know many of my newer subscribers are new and not aware of all the videos and blog post that I have already put up. So in the video below I am sharing some blasts from the past! I am still working on the set up of this new monthly series so bare with me....I am still figuring out the format. Hope you enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed looking back. Like I mentioned above...I am still working on the format but I tried to share some videos that I hope you will check out! :) Here are all the videos and blog posts mentioned in the video.

Blog Post Mentioned: