2015 Travel Series: His & Her Carry On Organization | Video |

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hello friends! I hope your day is going well. Around here its been a day of thunder and no rain. The sun is out but the sky is grumbling and before long, it will probably be pouring down. Perfect for a day at the desk with a steaming cup of hot tea. Anyway, I am back sharing another one of our Travel Series Videos. This time I am sharing how I packed Scott and my carry on luggage. Everyone is different packs different. However, some of the items in our carry on really made a huge difference in organization which were also space saving. You can check out all the new and old luggage that we were using and loving right here. Hopefully some time in August I will have some reviews up of some of the new luggage that we used. And by the way...I am sorry for the blurry picture. I must have deleted it and just used a screen capture from youtube. :)

Summer is the time for travel for so many of us as well as holiday travel. So hopefully a few of the tips and tricks in the video will help make your travels easier too! Hope you enjoy!

Everyone packs different and I totally understand those trips when there is no planning... just packing and getting out of the door as fast as possible. However, life is so much easier when you plan and organize. While we were on vacation, I was so happy to know I had everything I needed. And knowing where it was in the bag made things so much easier. Do you have any packing tips? I would love to hear them! I'll be back soon sharing what's in my travel makeup bag. Stay tuned! xx