Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually I might be adding more vlogs in during the week...depending on how much I vlog. This time there is 2 ditl vlogs! :)
Here is a look in the first part of our week. For the most part things have been pretty calm and easy going around here. If you haven't seen it yet, here's the first vlog of the week:
Here is the latest DITL Vlog. This shares our weekend with you guys but there wasn't a ton going on.. except babies! :) Hope you enjoy!
The beginning of the week was all about home life. There was tons of little jobs that I wanted to get done. I sure stay busy with this larger house. I still would love to find a cleaning lady to help out. I felt like I did a great job of staying on schedule and getting things checked off the list. However, I found myself in bed earlier and waking up before the boys head out for work and school. But I did manage to get things done. I have been doing a great job of getting on the treadmill more too...which is probably one of the reasons I have been falling to sleep sooner. Because of the early starts, I have been having to eat a little more in the morning. I am not a breakfast person but I have been enjoying toast with avocado and an over easy egg is so delicious. Scrambled eggs with avocado is also really good...if you haven't tried either...YOU SHOULD! Yummmmmmm!
Over the weekend we hung out around the house for the most part. I had some errands which included two trips to the DMV on Friday. I was frustrated and I felt defeated until a very kind lady finally helped me. It was seriously one of the hardest days of my lives. But it worked it and when I climbed in the bed that night, I felt very accomplished. :) Saturday Jackson was busy swimming in the lake with his friend and all his brothers and sisters. Since they were busy all day long, I went back out and ran some errands only to stop and pick up a big bag of cheeseburgers for all the kids there. I couldn't just take Jackson and his friend food so I got enough for them all. Swimming wears you out and I hope it made life easier on the parents of the other kids.
For Mothers Day, I woke up early and spend the morning with Scott and Jackson. They were so sweet handing me my cards when I first woke up and even offered to make breakfast. It was a typical Sunday for us in a way... Scott did some yard work and I tossed laundry around. But by 2pm we were out tubing on Green River. It was a beautiful warm day so we thought it would be perfect. Well, the water was freezing at 55 degrees and we cut our 4 hour floating trip to 2.5 hours. I ended up flipping in the tube....scraping up my knee but guess what!? My little special water proof zip map pouch kept my phone and camera dry even though it went totally under the water. I need to buy 10 more of those and do a giveaway because it worked like a charm!
Also for the mothers day, Scott and the kids got me a yummy edible arrangements treat of chocolate covered strawberries. Who wouldn't love that!? They are super yummy and instead of hoarding them all to myself, I have been sharing the love with the boys. :) It's just not the same when you have someone to share the love with with. Which is why I suppose I love giveaways! I just loving sharing what I love.
This weeks to do’s
:: Detail Clean in the Master Bedroom.
:: Schedule appointments with Social Worker....IMPORTANT!
:: Remove chipped nail polish.
:: Get to the Post Office...lots to mail off.
:: Make more time for morning prayers.
:: Clean up DVR
:: Buy herbs for outside herb garden
:: Call Grandma....it's so hard to understand her but maybe she will like hearing my voice. God I miss her.
:: Pre grind coffee beans to make mornings easier.
:: Clean out frig TODAY!
:: Respond to emails.
:: Get spare bedding off the floor in Jackson's room...from a sleep over.
:: Dust blinds.
:: Get paperwork done for Louisiana...asap. Get money order for Louisiana...asap. Also need to burn some CD's for Louisiana too.
:: Harass my sister until she calls!
:: Stop refilling coffee....and get something to eat.
:: Get a haircut....asap.
:: Take a break on the treadmill until my knee feels better.
:: Organize the new car. I missed out on having a snack the other day because I did not have my normal stuff in the car. Gotta fix that.
:: Sit down and plan the week out...TODAY! I was just too tired last night.
:: Brush out Cupcake. Her fur is so thick and tangles easily.
:: Refill Jackson's prescriptions.
:: Quick pantry pickup.
:: Delete pictures and videos from the phone for more storage.
:: Get to bed earlier.
:: File paperwork that is piled up on my desk away.
:: Stop dreaming about bird seed. Yep. I have been dreaming of buying the birds outside food..guess that's my inner bird watcher is coming out; even in my dreams. It's happened twice now. → Weird ←
:: Clean the pet bowls.
Little Blessings
Our oldest daughter has her own busy family at this point making us actual GRANDPARENTS! Can you believe that!? I know this photo is a bit old but they need new ones however, I am sure it's not so easy getting the kids to sit still even for a quick picture. Right now in their lives it's super busy chasing around toddlers and caring for a baby but they are in the thick of it and trying to make it out alive! Laura is the sweetest ever and while she has a mom...she also has a wonderful friend in me. I love her and her family dearly and so happy they are in our lives.
I am also blessed with my own mom... as is my sister. We have a mom who is a fighter and who believes in us. She is like most moms...willing to go to hell and back for her kids. Growing up, my dad had custody of me and my mom NEVER gave up. And looking back, I don't understand what they were thinking. She is a wonderful mom and always has been. It makes me sad thinking about what they did to her but she has been there like a true mom from start to finish for my sister and I.
Also my sister in law is a major blessing in my life as well as her childrens lives. She has been so loyal to everyone and so helpful to me. She has listened to me complain for years about this or that and has worked hard to help me figure out life with her brother! I am blessed with children I adore, a family I love and not to mention a best friend who is always there to listen. My blessings are bigger and better than I ever imagined they would be.
Scott and I have made a full and mostly happy life together. It's been a journey but after 11 years in, we know each other so well. We are blessed because we have just merged our families together and it worked like a charm! It's an amazing life we live. ♥
Here's some inspiration that has helped me throughout the years... and maybe it will help you too! :)
Thank you guys so much for stopping by. I hope your having a great Monday. I have switched my schedule around some so today is mostly desk work with a few household chores like dreaded laundry! But I have found with moving cleaning day to Wednesdays, feels easier because I get things done before hand without feeling rushed. So it's working out! Thank you guys for coming back and sharing our lives with you. I feel as if you are friends I have known for many years ( actually it's been years ha! ) and you guys are such a blessing. I love getting to know you and I appreciate your kindness. I hope all you moms out there had a wonderful Mothers Day. For us, we didn't celebrate in the traditional sense with no big fancy dinner or a big gathering. Instead we spent the morning at home, the afternoon on Green River, and then the evening grilling out. Then we kinda collapsed and got to bed pretty early. All of our energy was gone. Thankfully we all slept well and we are moving into this new week with a little more energy. Hopefully we can accomplish a lot! I hope you have a great week... if you are new here, I'd love it if you took a few minutes to get subscribed!