Week in Review w/ 2 DITL Vlogs: May 18 -25, 2015

Monday, May 25, 2015
Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually I might be adding more vlogs in during the week...depending on how much I vlog. This time there is 2 ditl vlogs! :)

Here is a look in the first part of our week. For the most part things have been pretty calm and easy going around here. If you haven't seen it yet, here's the first vlog of the week. We had a trip down south and then back to regular to regular life from the middle of the week on. 

Because my vlogs would be over an hour long if I included the entire week, here is the latest Day in the Life Vlog from the weekend! 

Sunday night of last week, I was busy scurring around the house trying to get things ready for our trip to Louisiana. I had a laundry to do, cleaning...packing and so much more. My best friend kept wondering why I wasn't calling only to realize when we did finally speak, that I was leaving the next day. I collasped in bed and woke up and got right back to it. Getting the animals taken care of, packing last minute items and such...and then we hit the road for an 11 hour trip.

The drive is getting harder on Scott and I as we get older. We use to be able to jump in the car and drive for days but now we are starting to tire out a little faster. We didn't have horrible weather on the way down south but we did get rained on both...going and coming home but we saw a rainbow coming back! It crossed my mind that maybe everything happening in our family right now will work out ok. To be honest, I have had my share of doubts but that beautiful rainbow gave me a little more hope. Our trip was lovely for the most part but we were in and out. Our visit there was filled with love, kindness, smiles & giggles which was heartwarming to say the least. 

Once we got back home, it was back to normal life. I had to get things back in order here after being gone 2 days. It doesn't sound like much but there is a lot of things that has to be done before we leave and when we come home. I had to get out and get some shopping done. You can see the haul here. Another thing I have been dealing with is puffy hair. I am using a new shampoo that is help taming it a little more but it's been so full and voluminous, I guess due to the heat. In that picture above, I feel like a helmet head! :)

Over the weekend, I stayed busy around the house with little odd jobs. Scott worked Saturday until 730 and on Sunday laid all around the house not feeling good. It was a little frustrating but I just worked around him most of the day. He did bring flowers home Saturday which are beautiful so I just let him be and went on with my day. I gave Gabby a bath...she is such a sweetheart of a kitty cat. She is wonderful in the bath and it's not hard at all. I moved to after that to computer work and then housework... I played that game all day. I would work around the house for while...take a computer break...work online checking emails, responding to comments and such then back to housework. I actually made some homemade garlic bread for dinner yesterday too. And I finally finished out the evening working in my planner and editing videos. 

Today, Scott is working. Something they always do in the car business..You know it.. Memorial Day Sales and I hate it. But hopefully they get some good sales at least. Jackson has been busy playing with his friends and I am at the desk today. Not so fun for Memorial Day but I am kinda happy we don't have a houseful or party going on. I wish we were hiking or something but I don't mind the peace and quiet. It's ok today. 

:: Get a hold of social worker here in SC. It's important. Probably won't get through till Tuesday though. All need to remember weekly calls down south too. 

:: Daily treadmill time. No excuse...just get my ass on there and run. 

:: Water Plants....buy some tomato plants and get them in the ground. Maybe I should wait till after our vacation...maybe not. Idk. 

:: Order the animals flea meds. 

:: Organize desk in bedroom...it really needs my attention. 

:: Get screen for back window....thanks Scott. 

:: Menu plan for the next few weeks. 

:: Get old ashes out of the fireplace. I have been meaning to buy candles to put in there throughout the summer but keep forgetting. Buy Candles KISHA!

:: Deep clean all the bathrooms this week. 

:: Hang out laundry as much as possible to help keep the electric bill down. 

:: Finish bathing the rest of the cats. 

:: Clean out purse and travel bag... and by travel I mean from the bag I take up and down the steps every morning and night. 

:: Check out ikea for a new shelf for the bedroom. 

:: Start preparing for the cruise we are taking. 

:: Wash windows on the 2nd floor. I finished the 1st floor last week. I am forever rotating the 2 floors. 

:: Calls to make....ATT, Charter ( to fix a box in our house ), Catch up with Laura, and Laci too. It's hard tracking those two girls down! 

:: Clean up files on the computer and also I need to clean up the DVR's. 

:: Fill prescriptions. Something I struggle to remember to do. I miss the days when the bottles just had refills on it. Every month we have to take in the papers for the refills. Honestly...that's due to all the dope heads making it harder on people just need their prescriptions. It's ridiculous. 

♥ Scott was for sure a blessing this past week. He drove us most of the way to Louisiana and got us home safely. I had to help off and on but he did most of the driving. He also pulled off some tiny little miracles around the house this past week too. I am not going to get into all that right now but he did manage to save the day....a couple of times!

♥ Knowing that ALL our kids are ok. We are a blended family to say the least, but all of our children are doing well. The biggest blessing of all is going to be when we get to have Thanksgiving and Christmas with them all together. It will probably take a miracle but we are for sure going to make it happen! :)

♥ The weather here in South Carolina is simply gorgeous. Even rainy days are beautiful here. I like SC for the most part....which makes me think I will be moving. I love the mountains and the beach in the same state. But who knows where life will lead us. Maybe we will be here forever. Maybe not. I guess I will just have to wait and see. 

♥ Sleeping in my own bed. Hotels are fine but there is nothing like being home in your own comfortable bed. I totally felt blessed getting home and snuggling up in my bed. 

Here's some inspiration to take with along with you through the week:

Thank you so much for stopping by. I plan on getting busy with things around the house. It won't be long until Jackson goes to his dads and our house will become quiet. I don't think I am going to like it for long. The first couple of days will probably be ok...then I will start missing and worrying about him. But with all the time we have before and after our vacation, I am going to get a lot of tasks down around the house. Thanks for stopping by. I'd love it if you got subscribed! ↓ xx
