Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. Normally my Week in Review blog post would be up by now but our latest day in the life vlog is still processing! Hopefully sometime this evening it will get finished and I can share it with you! In the mean time, I thought I would share our latest What's Cookin' Vlog. These videos show you what we have had for dinners recently hopefully giving you some menu inspiration for your family too. I like to film these videos vlog style because I like to share how I make the dinners...not just your borning → Here's what I ate ← videos. Hope you enjoy!
We have been eating out a lot here lately so there hasn't been much to share. However, if you have any comments or questions about anything you saw in the video be sure to let me know. Thank you guys so much for stopping by. I have been working hard on getting back on schedule... and now youtube is not cooperating! I have faith it will all work out! As soon as the video goes live tonight, I will be back posting our week in review! Come back later and visit! If you are new here, I'd love it you took a second to subscribe!