Hello friends! It's time for another edition of Tuesday Truths...hope you enjoy!
- I have spent the day with my husband and its really been nice. He works so many hours each week that we actually miss him a lot around here. Today has been kind, nice, loving, happy and fun.
- I got a negative comment today on a video. I responded by going as low as they did but I quickly realized that moment was a ego moment. Why do I have to explain things? Yea.. not happening. It was set up of sorts anyway. I want to let comments be but I think from now on, I am not going to even let them stay up. I will just delete them and never respond. Why is that lesson so hard for me to learn?
- Jackson has been going outside more and more. It's sweet to see him out there with all the kids. The last words I heard him speak a few minutes ago was " Cya - Love ya - Bye "...precious!
- I feel so sorry about the plane that crashed in the French Alps today. How heartbreaking for all those families. Plane crashes freak me out.
- I have put off videos that have giveaways attached to them so I wouldn't have a ton of giveaways going on at the same time. But I am over that too. We have 3 giveaways going on right now! :)))) Click here to get entered in the latest 3. I love you guys and I love sharing with you. Thank you for coming around and sharing our lives.
- The animals are starting to feel better since their big day getting fixed. We are still not letting Cooper run and play but he only has a few days left! Dr's orders.
- An old friend fell off the wagon...again. Hearing the stress in my other friends voice over it was stressful and sad. However it was not surprising which makes it that much worse. I wish she would go to rehab and really address what is going on.
- I am laptop shopping and its so freaking hard. I have no idea which one I am going to pick. I want to make the right decision....we have been here before.
- I had a wonderful birthday! Thank you guys for all the wishes. Scott got me a huge cake and I guess I need to get my butt back on the treadmill! I have fallen off routine but I can start again. But I have been walking Cooper some. So that counts!
- Sometimes I never feel like I am going to catch up. But I am working hard. I got a ton of computer work done... emails sent out and comments replied to. This evening I am going to be doing a very quick pick up of the house because it needs it.
- My kids are so sweet. All of them. I was talking to the girls last night on separate phone calls and I really couldn't be prouder of them. The boys too. They are all healthy wonderful children and I am blessed because of them.
- I am so ready for the cruise. We want need to get on that big boat for some relaxation and fun too. I can't wait to see my mom. I miss her so much.
- I can't stand strong coffee any longer. I don't know why either. I use to love espresso and now I cant stand it. I want a mild smooth coffee. It's 651 and I am drinking a hot cup of coffee. Guess I'm not sleeping tonight but it tastes so good.
- One of our little grand children is as wild as can be. Some people don't like me saying that but really... they need to get over themselves. And believe my Jackson is pretty wild too! :) Good thing our family isn't as critical. We love each other even through the crazy days and then we have a good laugh about it. Still..why explain right!?
- I loooooooooooove the longer days. Sunshine does the body good.
- Why is it so hard to control our thoughts? I wish I could just turn them off and switch on to something better but its not so easy. But it's something that I am working on to say the least.
- Scott and I were talking about our next house and he is thinking a flat...no second floor. I guess we are getting old. Hum?
- I woke up on my birthday to see Ted Cruz in the running for the President. I almost thew up in my coffee and wanted to change my birthday. Seriously...Ted Cruz. OMG. I guess they are at the bottom of the barrel in the Republican party. WOW. One of the biggest complainers about Obama Care and now he's signing up because he needs insurance and he is getting it through his work now. Ha! Stupid ass. Hope that crow tastes good.
- Speaking of politics, I got offered a job making some political commercials. I might just do it for the right guy or right WOMAN!
- We had a lot of things come in the mail the past few days and I have left out the boxes for the cats to play in. It looks crazy around here but they have been enjoying it!
- I cant stand being a people pleaser. If I could change something about myself it would be that. I don't want to care about what others think but I do.
- The plants in the kitchen just make me happy. I never use to like the color green but something in me has changed. The is a lot of beauty in the color green. I might just buy more.
- I am thinking about signing up for a art class. I use to paint. Not great but good enough and I enjoyed it. However I had some great teachers and I need a refresher before I can call myself Picasso.
- I am trying to dress a little more grown up. Yea. So I have been shopping. Stay tuned for a haul but it does include a pair of jeans too. Ha! Grown ups can totally rock jeans as well! But it's time. So its been a mission for me to clean out my closet and buy things I really love.
- I think Brittany Belle might bring a friend or two here this summer. Maybe I am crazy but why not. If we switch the kids out, it will be nice for her to have someone here her own age that she can do things with. Lets hope I don't regret it!
- I am still dodging most of the neighbors. I just don't like being on display to everyone when I go check the mail or leave the neighborhood. I dream of a country house. I told Scott I was going to set up a big vision board with all the things I want for our family, our home and online.. and he said.. why do that? We can do everything you want. Just start. See why I love him? He does spoil me.
- I'm not cooking tonight. It's pizza or something we find around here that is fast and easy. I don't really think any of us are that hungry tonight anyway.
- I hate Downton Abbey is off again. And next season is the last. Perfect. Whenever a good show comes on..it hardly ever lasts.
- My dads birthday is in a few days. I mean grandfather by dad and I miss him so much. I am putting on one of his favorite movies on the 28th and letting it run all day. Maybe he will come visit and enjoy it. He made such an impact in my life.
- A 80 year old woman told me to not allow negative people in my life. That is her secret to living so long even though she smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. Wonderful advice wouldn't you say? I wish she knew how hard it is to do that when online as I am. But she's right. You can see that beautiful woman right here around 7:07...she has the green blanket around her. What an amazing spirit.
- Even thought this post is more of a rant, please don't think I am in a bad mood! Its been a wonderful day and I am thankful for every minute I have with my family. It doesn't matter if it's on the phone, face time, skype, or in person... its all the same. Its us...and I am proud of us. I hope you have a beautiful and blessed night. ♥