Happy Tuesday friends! I am back today with another edition of Tuesday Talk & Truths. Hope you enjoy.
* It's such a beautiful day. Scott is out on the golf course and should be home in about an hour. He works such long hours and needs to have some fun too. He loves golfing and it's the perfect day for it.
* I haven't felt well today so I have taken things a bit slower. Stomach is hurting and my body is hurting. I think I am just getting old! But hopefully the Advil will kick in and I can get a few things accomplished today.
* The US " Sneaky " Service personnel need to get their crap together. Today the Director of the Secret Service was drilled for all the mistakes and blunders going on. I am very liberal but you know, when they are acting like idiots while suppose to be protecting the First Family, someone needs to get fired. Enough excuses...they need to step up their game and fast. The world is a dangerous place for our Public Officials. Do Better.
* I was balancing our checkbook earlier today and it astounds me how high our bills are. It's never ending and they come like clockwork! But grateful to be able to pay them all....in the same month! Ha! :)
* My sister in law won the Inkwell Press Planner and some did not like it. However it was totally fair picked by rafflecopter. I thought about disqualifying her but she really was one of my first subscribers on my blog and my youtube channels, facebook. All of it. She's been a huge supporter and commentator and I thought it was fair. I was shocked that it was her but I still thought it was right because it was a twist of fate that picked her name.. Not I. And she entered just like everyone else. However, just to show you guys that I love you... and I love that Inkwell Press Planner, I am going to host another giveaway. You will have to come back and check out the next Day in the Life Vlog to get all the details! Picking winners was so hard for me and I stopped many years ago when I found rafflecopter. It's completely fair and I don't have the choice of picking someone. It does it for me. Hope that makes you guys feel better. Stay tuned for that giveaway!
* My little Brittany Belle sent me a sweet good morning text. I miss her so much but so happy she is doing well. I have been on her to find what she wants to do.. a passion and the other day she said that maybe working as a Pharmacist would be a job she would like. I can totally go along with that! She's going to college so she better figure out what her passion is! I want her to go cure cancer and pharmacy school could maybe lead to that! Schools should do more to help kids figure it out. There is a point to all the education and they might need to be reminded of that.
* The kitchen looks so clean right now. I couldn't be happier. Hopefully the boys won't mess up later this afternoon. I feel like a dictator sometimes barking at them to put things up, clean up their spills, and help keep it clean. And guess what? The boys really don't care!
* I want to go buy flowers for the back deck. Again I want everything in pots in case I find that perfect house I want to move into but I might have to go buy some soon. Not too many but we just need a little color out there. I am so happy warmer days have arrived.
* I am a little nervous about things with one of our kids. I am not sure things are going to work out the way we had hoped. I am forced not to go into detail but I could probably write a book about our experience. I keep praying and really have gave it to God but it seems so impossible right now. Wonder what the future holds? It's heart breaking actually and time will tell everything.

* I talked to our oldest daughter Laura yesterday. The weather has warmed up in her neighborhood too and the kids have been playing and getting some sunshine. From what I could tell they were less stressful days. I am so proud of her and her family. It's a lot of work but she's doing it. I forgot how busy little toddlers really are!
* I did a little birthday shopping at Anne Taylor. Can't wait to show you what I got next week! :) I have been trying to redo my wardrobe to clothes that fit me better and are a little more grown up. And I can't do it all at once.. thank you Scott!
* I am slowly catching up on emails. There are so many and it takes me a while because in between internet time, there is family time and house time that takes over. There are only so much one person can do in one day. Even though I have been feeling terrible today I have worked online so it hasn't been such a waste of time. I'm slowly getting there.
* I posted a review and giveaway for a new rotating shower rod that gives you a lot of room while you are in the shower and then it rotates in to save you space in the bathroom. Have you seen it!? If not you totally should.. click right here to get entered in the giveaway!
* The neighbor wanted me to help shave his big outside dog. I said yes then thought about it more... yea not such a good idea. Scott thought it was a disaster waiting to happen but I am happy to supervise. It's such a long process. I don't really know the dog and I had to back today. I hate it..but it was the right decision. I'm not a dog groomer and I don't want to maybe hurt someones dog.
* I still need to work in the spare room. I am hoping later this afternoon I am feeling ok to get a few things done late this afternoon. I love the extra hour of daylight.
I hope you guys are having a wonderful Tuesday! I am going to work hard on getting feeling better and make something of this day! I'll see ya tomorrow.