Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually I might be adding more vlogs in during the week...depending on how much I vlog.
Here's what went on around here this past week:
. I have been trying to stay busy and get things checked off my ever growing to do list. It was a nice weekend with not much going on. I actually like it when we have no plans to go out. I like it at home most of the time so it was nice being here with the boys and spending time with them. On Saturday it was around 64 so Jackson and I actually cleaned the garage. I couldn't stand it out there. We keep filling garbage bags up with the stuff that we just don't use. I figure most of the stuff has been in the garage for a couple of years and we haven't done anything with it. → T - R- A - S- H. I'm not even trying to donate it. I just want it gone and I didn't want to sort through it all. I was so grateful for Jackson's help and we actually had a nice time together. And I am so happy with the results. :) I thought there was just too much junk and garbage out there and just wanted it gone.
I will be going back once a month or so to get items I can't really get anywhere else. Last night after I got home, the boys were tearing things open just wanting to try different things which was totally fun. And it helps Jackson who is a picky eater try new things. So all in all it was a great shopping trip.
As Sunday evening came upon us I made some yummy pull apart pizza bread and settled in for a night in front of the tv watching the Grammy's. Our house was loud with the music from the performances flowing out of the tv. Who doesn't love the Grammy's!? I stayed down on the first floor a lot later than I normally do and was so tired by time it was over.

I finished the night off watching Downton Abbey which is a great great show. One of my favorites in fact. :)
However, when I woke up today, I wasn't feeling that good and even now I still feel really tired. It's pouring down rain here and I have a ton to try to accomplish in the afternoon and evening so have to get out of this slump I am in today. Monday came too quick! I don't really mind the rain but I just wish I would have slept better so I wouldn't feel so tired. I am drink coffee, snacking on chocolate covered espresso beans and praying that some energy comes. It sucks being tired before you even really get started.
This weeks to do’s
- Work on papers for Social Worker
- Cancel Massage due to a hockey game....we'll reschedule though!
- Bath Gabby & Cupcake...the last 2 kitty's who need baths.
- Clean up DVR
- Smile more! :)
- Get Valentines bought for the kids & Scott tomorrow.
- Call and check on mom.
- Start changing spare bedroom around.
- Wipe down inside of car.
- Clean oven.
- Work in homekeeping book and planner.
- Come up with a family mission statement.
- Try to spend less time on the Daily Mail.
- Start new yoga routine later this week...gotta buy a mat first!
- Try to compare prices from Trader Joes to the rest of the grocery stores I shop at.
- Bake some cookies.
- Pay bills.
- Contact company about exploding light bulb.
- Clean up laundry area while toss clothes around.
- Check on grandma.
- Be more understanding of Brittany growing up...something that is hard to cope with.
- As soon as I am done with this blog post, I have to start cleaning the house.
- Get more thank you notes.
- Clean out frig...TODAY and also need to prep the fruits and veggies
- Update Chalkboard Walls
- Wash throw blankets.
- Maybe order the " flexible " Inkwell Press Planner for blog and youtube planner. Still not sure though.
- Brush out Super Cooper.
- Clean out under the kitchen sink.
- work on household shopping list.
- Answer comments and emails.
- Make Dr. Appointment and call in prescriptions for refills.
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you are having a beautiful Monday! I am going to get busy cleaning the 2nd floor while it pours down. I feel very blessed that I don't have to get out in this weather. I actually hate a cold rain but hopefully with any luck, it will start to warm up around here soon. If you are new here, I'd love it if you took a few seconds and subscribed so you don't miss anything!