Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Here's what went on around here this past week:
The past few days have been pretty busy. It seems like I have been running around like a mad woman trying to get as much done as possible. This vlog is long....like seriously an hour long so grab some coffee and spend some time with me as we all mutter through this new Monday. :)
Life around here has been super insane busy with lots of errands, shopping, homework, family time. I think staying busy, keeping our minds off Zane even just for a few minutes at a time. Scott and I don't really have the luxury of falling apart. There are still others depending on us. Its still hard though.

I was a mess Thursday night. So Friday, I thought a mani and pedi would do me good and give me a few minutes of not thinking about things. It was a lovely time but I later I was reminded why I didn't get winter pedicures. My legs and feet were freeeeeezing all day long. Afterwards I found myself in Office Depot finding more supplies for my home keeping book. I think this time it might really work for my family and I cant wait to show it to you! I want to use it for a month or so to really see how I use it and how my family uses it before I make a video on it. You'll see some of the stuff I got in the video above.
Another thing I did this past weekend was sign up for Try the World bi monthly subscription box. This is a specialty food box based off of different countries for $39 a box - shipping included. I had been wanting to try it for a long while and I finally pulled the trigger and did it. Scott is actually going to help make the open box video with me because he is excited about it too! :) In my attempt to be a better mom ( didn't you know that I was not picked for mother of the year, yet again! ) and spend more quality time with Jackson, we went painting. We all get so busy with regular everyday life that I don't always have that one on one time with Jackson. He wanted to paint ceramics again so that is what we did. Its nice and it's relaxing.
The rest of the night was spent working in my planners and watching some really good tv. I got things ready for the new week and here we are. Monday's do come fast don't they!?
Since we were at the start of a new week, here are some of my to do's.
- weekly cleaning today....as always
- try to run errands to post office today. If not I have to go on Tuesday.
- answer more youtube comments. You guys are chatting so much it's hard to keep up but know I read everyone of them.
- find another fun activity Jackson and I can do together this week.
- I need to work more in my planner. There was so much good tv on last night that I didn't do as much as I should have.
- Go through some cookbooks for inspiration.
- clean track in the sliding glass doors so it stops getting stuck.
- post daily challenges on Instagram. Hope you are following along!
- wash Cooper's bowls.
- snuggle one night with Scott. No phones, no laptop, and just simple snuggle time.
- pick up more Advil pm and try to get to bed earlier
- keep up on emails. .
- sew some buttons on shirts.Gosh.. its amazing how much there is always to mend. And normally Scott does most of that work.
- really going to try to finish getting the Christmas cards written out and sent out. Don't worry.. these are replies to cards I received. I got out the others on time!
- clean jewelry.. it really needs it.
- let Scott know what hotel I booked for Louisiana. Hopefully he will be happy with what I got us.
- update Pinterest with latest videos.
- don't forget to buy that blind for the kitchen. I really hate the window just wide open. I keep thinking I am going to go downstairs for a late night snack and see one looking in.
- pay a few bills that are still lingering around sometime today.
- make shopping list for Walmart. Still need that blind for the kitchen.
- get the mail even on cold days. I'm sure the mail woman doesn't like trying to stuff the new mail in the already stuffed mail box. Also need to check the PO Box!
- plan a trip to our local library.
- try to finish getting Christmas cards sent back out.
- pick the warmest day of the week and spend 15 minutes in the car getting out all the trash and junk.
- call and check in on mom.
- get more sleep. I don't know what is happening but body is not agreeing with my mind at night. And I'm not sleeping good in the mornings. Need to make a change.
Here is some inspiration to take with you through the week. ♥