Dear God, Thank you for blessing us with our lives. I won't's been kinda difficult off an on the past couple of weeks but with your grace we are putting one foot in front of the other. Focusing on the future is much better than looking back and trying to redo or relive the past. Thank you for listening to my prayers.
Dear Christmas, You came upon us super fast this year. However, I feel more prepared for you this year than any other. I do hate how everything is about the gifts which is why I like Thanksgiving better but this year, I didn't get what people asked for. Instead I got and made things I thought they would like. Please be good to us while we are in our hometowns. I need you to be good!
Dear Zane, Your dad and I are so sorry for what has happened. Actually all the kids feel horrible too and are worried about you. I promise we are working hard to try to get you here. It won't happen quick or easy but we are going to be there at the end of January. Please call when you can. Your dad put the number in the letter. We love you.
Dear Self, try to remember that things don't have to be perfect. You can live with things less than perfect so just deal with it. Stop spending so much time on one thing and get moving. Anything is better than nothing.
Dear Walmart & Dollar Tree, if I can find my motivation, we have a date today. I really don't want to get out in the crazy mess of holiday shopping but I am afraid I have to today. * Sigh.
Dear Ocean, do you remember me because I sure remember you. I have settled for not living beside you and I have settled for not smelling that fresh salt air, and deep inside I know I won't be without you for too long. Each passing day I miss you. I wish Scott would just bring home a Uhal and tell me we are going to be reunited again.
Dear Vlogidays, you are seriously taking over right now. I haven't even tried to get up any other videos because I have been working hard enough with the daily vlogs. I enjoy you but it will be nice to slow down a little after the first of the year.
Dear Sony, I agree with the made a mistake letting some idiot dictitor punk you out of showing your movie. I don't really care what your personal private emails say. I really care about what we are telling them with the decision you made.
Dear Jackson, I hope you enjoyed playing hookie yesterday but don't get use to it. I know you have been trying much harder this year so I thought the break would be nice for you. I know you are so ready to head up to see your dad. We are just a few days away!

Dear Bill Cosby, Where there is smoke there is fire. And there is a ton of smoke around you. I am shocked. Really it just goes to show how easy people can be fooled.
Dear Mom, Sorry we are not coming for Christmas. I love you but I think you understand us needing to be with the kids this year. Can't wait to see you on the big boat in June! ;)
Dear Peppermint Bark, I should have made you again this year. I still might.
Dear Jordan, I really don't know how to convince you that your family is more than the people you live with. I love you and wish more than anything that you would actually call and speak. I hope you are doing ok and have a wonderful Christmas.
Dear Laura and Roman, I am so glad you guys are both doing well. I tried to call you last night but I am sure its not so easy right now juggling one new born and 2 toddlers. We love you guys and can't wait to see you in a few days!
Dear Red String, I know it might sound silly but I need to get you back on before we head up north. I should just try to wrap it around my entire body for protection. I really wonder if one will do the trick, why wouldn't 2 do better?
Dear House, we have a lot to do to you before and after our trip.I want to get you in tip top shape before we have the home study for Zane plus it will make it easier to move with a lot of the clutter gone.
Dear Shanna, Sorry I didn't call back last night. I was super tired and just got cozy under the blankets and that was it. But call when you get up!
Dear Scott, Sorry you have been so upset about Zane. I know you are worried as I am. Hopefully it will all work out where he can move in with us. I love you. Thanks for working hard each day. I know its not easy but I appreciate your love for us and our family. I hope you and Jackson have a wonderful time at the Football game tomorrow!
Dear Indiana, You know my feelings about you. I normally would never spend Christmas up there but our kids are there as well as our grandchildren. So what is need from you is this....
* A nice trip. No freak emergencies..No Police...No Problems.
* Wonderful time with family and drama.
* Temperatures that are not freezing. That might be a stretch but one can hope.
* Our hotel to be nice with no loud neighbors.
* Keep my dad out in his hidden home in the woods. Like I drama.
* I don't want to run into any ex's except Art. The few others I hope to avoid. So no unexpected appearances at like a gas station or something.
* Only smiles and laughter. Otherwise I will probably pack the car up early and come right back home.
Dear Romeo, you are by far the best cat in the house. I will even venture to the entire state of South Carolina. So guess what that means!? It means you get a special travel pass to go up north with us! We can't spend Christmas without you. ♥
Dear Rain, thanks for making today's errands easier. Not. Plus your cold so I just want to stay home all day long.
Dear Trina, it won't be long now. I am kinda sad that Vicki and Brandon won't be with us over Christmas but we will make sure to get around to see them while we are in town. Thank you for placing my 31 order. Can't wait to see everything!
Dear Laci Renee, I miss you. I know you are busy like no other but you have to make more time to call! Sorry we won't be seeing each other over Christmas but maybe we can skype or something on Christmas Eve or Christmas day sometime.
Dear Cooper, I promise to find you a bed soon!
Dear Blog & Youtube Friends, So sorry that I have been behind with blogging. I promise I am working on it and trying to find some kind of normalcy again. It hasn't been easy getting things ready for our Christmas trip, vlog, and make time for blog posts all at the same time. But I have really missed you guys. Blogging is such a relief for me. I am always so amazed by your love and support otherwise I could never keep going. I hope you guys all have the most beautiful and blessed Christmas. Stay tuned for our travel vlogs from Indiana. Vlogidays has been great and I have totally loved sharing with you. However, when the new year comes, I will be slowing down a little bit. So be sure to find me on all my social media and follow along so you don't miss anything!
Happy Saturday!