Dear God, Sometimes I wish I could knew what you already know. I wish I knew how my kids lives are going to turn out. I am always wondering what the future holds. I guess I am just going to have to wait and see. I am grateful for everyday I wake up breathing....simply because of my kids and family. The kids changed everything about me.
Dear Halloween, I am shocked at how fast you popped up this year. With the kids growing up, we are having to find other ways to celebrate. Some might see it as not such a loving holiday but is fun for the little kids and we are going to make it fun around here tonight too!
Dear Laura, I wish we were there to watch your little ones go out! I am sure it will be both fun and exhausting taking two toddlers out trick or treating but they will love it! Send pictures!
Dear Scott, Have I mentioned I hate your hours at the new dealership. I know you are selling triple the cars but we miss you and want you home more with us. I don't know what gives. One minute I am scared about you be home and not working and the next thing is I don't really like the hours when you do go back. The car business is brutal and I wish you didn't have to work so much.
Dear Cold Weather, know how I feel about you. And they said upper South Carolina might have snow today. I don't feel like dealing with the fireplace today so I guess we will be using the heat. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Dear Mom,Sorry you are feeling so bad. I hope today is better. Just take it easy and let Don take care of you. I love you.
Dear Chris Christie, You might be the best chance the Republican Party has for winning the Presidency but I still don't think you are the right choice. Your mafia attitude is just too unclassy for the White House. Seriously dude...its stops being funny after seeing you huff and puff over and over. Do us all a favor and just don't run.
Dear Shanna, Sorry we didn't talk yesterday. That sure doesn't happen often does it? Call me when you get up. Love you bunches.
Dear Jackson, Screwing around with your bedtime on school nights is not good. You can not stay up all night playing on your tablet and expect to do good in school. You will be tired and grumpy and not learn what you should. So put down the electronics and get some sleep at night. I love you.
Dear Super Cooper, You must really be chasing something right now. Your feet are sound asleep, feet moving, doggie grumbling in your sleep. I am guessing you are chasing a ball or something. You know its about time to wake up and get a run in on the treadmill. The cooler weather should make it easier on you.
Dear Nails, Everyone thinks you are fake. I guess I should take it as a compliment. I will have to do a video explaining what worked for me. But you are looking great and I love it!
Dear Laci Renee, You have such a busy fast life. I seriously can't even begin to keep up with where you are or what you are doing. I am just happy things seem to be working out well for you with your job and relationship. Being with your best friend does make a huge difference. I love you.
Dear Pedifiles, I think everyone of you who have molested and hurt kids who are out in the community should be locked up in jail until the holiday is over. That's what our town did last year and I sure in the hell hope they are doing it again.
Dear House,I have been slacking a little with you. The good thing is, you will wait for me. But it's hard trying to keep you clean and perfect all the time. I have just kinda figured out that its still our home even on the messy days. Thanks for protecting us from the weather and keeping us safe day after day. I might want to move but I am grateful for you anyway.
Dear Day, I have a lot I need to do today including running errands. If the days goes as planned, I have a lot to do. Gosh....I am dreading it already because I am running behind. O-well...gotta dress warm and head out soon.
Dear Sony Viao, I am so disappointed I can't get another. Thanks a lot Sony for not making them any longer. Now I have to wonder into the laptop world and find the right one but I am just not sure. So I guess I better take damn good care of you!
Dear Body, Why are you cold all the time? There are days when its 78 in the house and I am still chilly. Yea. I am just not made for cold weather. Please start to feel better...also get caught up on the sleep you so desire because I am tired of sleeping in late. I have things to do!
Dear Grandma,I miss you and seriously thinking about making you special Halloween popcorn balls. Gosh...I can't count the times you handed me a popcorn ball on Halloween. I miss you and I'll try to call you later today.
Dear Dad, You enjoying the westerns I have been putting on upstairs during the day for you? I imagine that Heaven is so beautiful that you don't need to spend time around here but I can feel you. I think you hang around because you know how much I miss you and I think you probably miss me too. So enjoy the tv....and come see me in my dreams.
Dear Ocean,I miss you. One day we will be together again. I swear I am going to put my foot in husbands butt to move to you. Its time...actually its past time.
Dear Jordan, I really miss you. Seriously do. I wish more than anything that you could get the courage up to simply say, " Hi Mom" and you'll be amazed at how fast your life changes.
Dear Romeo, I don't think anyone will ever really know how special you are to our family. I love you kitty kitty.
Dear Trick or Treaters, I hope you all have a wonderful night. Just don't eat too much candy and get sick! I hope you guys all remember to really brush your teeth before bed tonight too!
Dear Youtube & Bloggy Friends, You guys are such sweet readers and viewers. I love hearing from you and I love that you find this a soft place to visit when you have time. I hope you all have a wonderfully Spooky Friday!
Dear Jordan, I really miss you. Seriously do. I wish more than anything that you could get the courage up to simply say, " Hi Mom" and you'll be amazed at how fast your life changes.
Dear Romeo, I don't think anyone will ever really know how special you are to our family. I love you kitty kitty.
Dear Trick or Treaters, I hope you all have a wonderful night. Just don't eat too much candy and get sick! I hope you guys all remember to really brush your teeth before bed tonight too!
Dear Youtube & Bloggy Friends, You guys are such sweet readers and viewers. I love hearing from you and I love that you find this a soft place to visit when you have time. I hope you all have a wonderfully Spooky Friday!
Happy Halloween!