Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great Monday. I am kinda running late with this post/video because I was really sick yesterday and just didn't feel like working on it last night. I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our weekend. I also vlogged a little each day which you can see in the video below. I have been trying to move all my video's to my main channel including the vlogs but for right now I am uploading them to both channels. I think that is the best way to do it right now but eventually they will probably all move to my housewife life main youtube channel. I hope you don't mind but I have been trying to figure out a way to make everyone happy. I don't expect you to watch them twice but now you will be able to find my vlogs on both channels.
The beginning of the week started out not as planned. Monday my husband finally told me to just go get a new laptop and be done with it. So guess what? I did! It cosumed my time Monday and pretty much made me an absentee mom and wife. I had to get it up and running, files transferred and son on. Only to realize after hours of trying to work on the new laptop was awful. I seriously hated it. So then I returned it...actually got a cheaper computer and used the difference on a pretty darn nice Nikon Camera. And so far I am a happy girl! But...I neglected a lot in my life the first few days of the week due to all the technical issues I was having. In the middle of the week I finally got my weekly cleaning done and finally got to the grocery. Then I did my best to make it up with the boys. ♥
We have had a pretty rainy week. I managed in between storms to clean up the back deck really well. There was tons of hidden little piles of dirt and leaves in corners and edges. I was a lot happier once it was done. I even trimmed my herbs and got them back in the house for the autumn and winter months. I love using fresh herbs in cooking. Its a lot cheaper to have a little kitchen garden than it is buying them from the grocery store...Plus all fresh herbs always always taste better than dried.
Over the weekend I decided to get baking. Its been hard finding time in my life right now just to do the minimum but it was nice getting in the kitchen and making some tasty treats for my family. I made a smore cake and also a delicious loaf of blueberry breakfast bread.
Autum is pretty much here in SC. The trees are mostly green still but I have seen the occasional leaf floating through the air already. Sunday it was really chilly and I dug out my long sleeve shirts...found some cozy sweats and even got out a pair of cozy slippers.
While I was busy trying to stay warm, Romeo was super comfortable and cozy on Scott's lap. I know everyone says this about their cats. But I am seriously convinced I have the best cat ever. He's like a little Buddhist Monk. He is so kind and loving. He is amazing and one of the largest jewels in my crown. Really he should have his own crown to wear. I can't even put into words my obsession with this beautiful kitty cat.
Over the weekend Jacksons friend was back over. I didn't really have any problems with the boys. They went skating...got along and had fun playing card games with Scott.
I ended my weekend with a long soak in the tub with a good read. I am really ejoying this book and can't wait to review it for you guys. :)
- Organize first floor closets
- Make Egg Salad
- Wash all Jackets and coats
- Call dmv....yea...dreading that call
- Do weekly cleaning Wednesday....shopping tomorrow for household items.
- Work on lunch items for Jackson
- Workout Cooper daily
- Figure out list for Lowes....need to do a couple home improvement projects.
- Start checking into firewood....the weather is changing.
- Spend more time with Jackson andScott
- Pay bills....seriously need to do that plus go through stack of mail waiting on me.
- Quick pickup of the kitchen pantry
- Follow Dr. orders and do what they want so they can run the needed tests....not too happy about that.
- Still try to figure out this new computer
- Try to stick to some kind of reasonable schedule. Check out this homemakers schedule.......it puts mine to shame.
For this weeks Inspiration....I watched this last night and thought it might be useful in all our lives to hear. :)