Plans to get my shit together
& To Dos
- Get on regular schedule....morning and night. god willing.
- get dinner on the table before 7pm.
- get back to weekly cleaning....totally off schedule w/ everything
- write out the schedule i want to keep and try to follow it.
- get cooper back on his workout schedule too.
- figure out the phones and get them all working right. alltel is switching things up.
- watch night time caffeine intake.
- balance blogging, videos, home & Family better. Yea...I totally suck at it. totally.
- Take less/make less calls throughout the day so i can get more done.
- check upcoming birthday's and buy cards to send out. i totally forgot to call a important family member on his birthday yesterday....gotta do better.
- back off on so much tv....no wonder I cant get shit done when cnn has all my attention.
- don't add more to the schedule....i need to start off with baby steps.
- try not to let the rain make me lazy.
- time to start working on the grocery list....almost time to go shopping.
- find the computer i really really want. this one is not it.
- try to get boys to put up their own laundry...a battle i keep loosing.
- make family dr appointment....flu shots for everyone! don't need Jackson bringing home some disease from school...no ...no...no...thank you.
That's about all I can think about right now...I should be back with Friday Letters and a new video later today...stay tuned