Hello friends! I hope you are having a great Sunday. I am back today with a interesting kind of blog post/video and giveaway. For many years I have studied Kabbalah. I have written many blog posts through out the years but I am just a student. I don't profess to know much because there is so much to learn and take in. Today I am specifically talking about the red wool string I wear on my left wrist. I get asked a lot about it, and I hope I explain it clearly in the video below. I am also hosting a giveaway... in no way is it sponsored. I just wanted to share something that means a lot to me with a couple of you guys. All the details and entry form are below.
The Giveaway
I thought it would be nice to share the love with this red bracelet. Two of you guys are going to win one package of the red string from the Kabbalah Center. I like getting it from here because it comes with the prayer and info about how to actually use it.
This giveaway is going to go until September 28 and I will be back right here announcing the winner on Monday September 29. There are tons of ways to get entered. I also included links to subscribe to our daughters new blog → The Genuine Honey ←. She is new to blogging and I would personally appreciate it if you guys showed her some love! She is going to be doing a lot of natural living lifestyle blog post along with videos and even sharing some of her personal life with everyone. She's adorable and I hope you guys get to know her....and you get extra entries for doing so!