- Work on getting the house cleaned up tomorrow.....it seriously needs my attention.
- Post food haul tomorrow.....which should have went live on here today.
- Cook an actual meal....ha! New computer trumped me being in the kitchen. Its been takeout the last couple of nights.
- Get use to this new keyboard....sigh.
- Spend more time with the boys....yes, I have been neglectful and somewhat grumpy.
- Respond to emails.....sorry if you are waiting on me.
- Call best friend....just couldn't handle calls today after spending two hours on the phone with HP and then going back to Best Buy and finding another computer. I'm all done in the verbal communication department tonight. I also need to call and check in on my sister.
- Clean out purse and bag....the bag that travels from the 1st to 2nd floor that is full of shit that I dont need to carry around all the time.
- I still need to call the Vet and get Coopers meds refilled. Please God, don't let me forget to do that tomorrow.
- Sometime by the end of the week, I need to put up all the clothes sitting around in baskets waiting on me.
- Try to stay awake long enough to finish my night time prayers. I hope God fills in the blanks when I drift off to sleep.
- Speaking of sleep...get to sleep before 5am tonight. I seriously need to get back on some kind of schedule.
- Update Planner...I'm scared to see how much I actually have to make up by the weekend.
- Clean the litter boxes.....maybe I can pay Jackson to do it! :)
I plan on getting things done down here on the first floor for morning and then go enjoy a long bath. I seriously need to relax. I finally feel a little better that this computer is finally set up and now on to real life. I hope you had a great day...and I will be back around tomorrow!