Travel Series: Keeping your H♥me Safe while Away | Video |

Friday, September 19, 2014
Hello friends...Told you I'd be back! I have been trying to share a lot of travel tips and tricks in my new youtube travel series. You can check out any of my previous videos by clicking here to check out the playlist. This particular video is about how to keep your home safe while you are away. All of us go on holidays or business trips...and maybe a few of these tips I am sharing will help make your home more safe allowing you to feel better while being away. There are a ton of tips in the video and a few more notes below of some things I forgot to mention...

More notes

As I mentioned in the video there is a app that allows you to use a webcam to watch your home anytime from a computer or smart phone. iCam lets you watch up to 4 webcams over 3G, 4G and WiFi and it works on your iPhone, iPad or Android smartphone. So its a great option being the app only costs $4. 

Get the amazing app here! For $4.99 you can have a baby monitor, a pet monitor or even watch live video and audio feeds of your house when you go on vacation or just want to check up on things! Its amazing and worth every penny. I am pretty sure you can set up manipulable cameras too. I have this through our alarm system already but I know many other people who love love love this app. Its great for teenagers too who are home alone a lot. 
Also. a few other things I forgot to mention are...
  • Don't leave any of your keys at home. I normally just take them all with me but leaving them with a trusted family member or friend is best if you don't want to take them. 
  • Any meds you have in the house should be very secured and should probably go to the safety deposit box at the bank or left with a trusted family or friend. 
  • If you have weapons of any kind in your home, you should also take those to the bank to keep them safe if possible or make sure they are locked up in a very secure place before leaving.
  • Always empty your trash and if need be, go through it with gloves on when you get back home to see if your housesitter is in fact feeding your pets or whatever. I always start with a clean garbage can. 
  • All your mail and documents in your home with your private info on them such as social security numbers, account numbers, and such.....need to also be protected. Put them up in a very private place or again take them to the safety deposit box at the bank. It would be awful enough to have your home robbed but what about your identity too? That would be God awful. So take precautions.
  • Most off, be careful who you trust. I said it in the video but don't hop on craigslist and find some freak to come watch your home. Hell, you would be better to just lock it up really good and do nothing else before you let someone you really don't know into your house. Be careful who you choose. 
I hope some of the tips from the video and list above stay in the back of your mind before the next time you take off on a trip. If you have any that you would care to share, I would love for you to leave them in the comments here or on the video. I think we can all learn from each other and I would love any and all tips you have! I'll be back with another video from this series very very soon! Stay tuned. 

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