Thankful Thursday ♥

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Happy Thursday Friends! I hope you are having a great day. I am just getting ready to head out and go on our last summer trip before the school year starts back up, but I wanted to get this post up and I also have another one set to go live about 3pm! So here is my thankful list!

♥ I am thankful that I got some rest last night. I was busy all day long till after 2am and I much needed some sleep. Very thankful for that. 

♥ I am thankful for a mini vacation to Myrtle Beach with our family. I hope its a relaxing and happy time for us all. 

♥ I am very thankful to God for giving me enough energy even with lack of sleep to get everything done before we leave. 

♥ I am thankful for the housesitter. She is super nice and I actually trust her. She did great last time and she is willing to do it again but this time with a much detailed schedule on Cooper. I think coming here gets her away for a bit. 

♥ I am thankful for the times Robin Williams made me laugh and captured my attention in a movie. Its tragic that he felt that sad but maybe more about depression and help will come from it. He really will be missed and may he rest and finally get the peace he was looking for.  

♥ I am thankful that little Jackson's friend is coming with us. It gives him someone to pal around with hopefully this vacation will be growing moment for him. Its the first time he is allowed to go to the pool without an should be interesting! We have walkie talkies....the kids have smart phones with GPS...which I am also thankful for. But I am nervous about it! 

♥ I am thankful for Scott working hard to pay for this trip for us. He invited the entire family and I had to put a stop to that or we would really overspend but we are taking my sister and the kids. Scott worked hard to plan which I am thankful for even though I had to make a few changes.

♥ I am thankful that Super Cooper is on his anti seizure meds and so far so good. We have drastically changed his diet and trying to get him feeling better. I don't really feel good about leaving him though. 

♥ I am thankful I took most of Tuesday ( and well into the night ) cleaning up the files on my computer, installing updates, missing drivers, and I even paid for the premium Sony Vaio maintenance tools which really helped speed up my laptop. So worth all that time and work. 

♥ I am thankful all my videos are pre recorded and will still go live while we are on vacation. I also worked hard the last couple of days to make that happen. 

♥ I am thankful to the dealership for giving us a larger car to drive on the trip. Its really appreciated especially since we are taking an extra kid with us. ( Do you know I can never ever spell e-s-p-e-c-i-a-l-l-y on my own.. never. ) Totally grateful for spell check too! :)

♥ I am thankful I picked a time the other day to go to the nail salon. I despise wasting time sitting there waiting. But I have gotten smarter and go right at lunch time and I am seated right away. 

♥ I am thankful all the school shopping is done and ready for Jackson to take on Monday. I can't believe summer is basically over. Where did the time go? 

♥ I am thankful for the view that is coming up. Ocean and Mountains.. Yes Please. I always thought I would have to pick either or unless I wanted to move to California. But here in South Carolina.. I kinda get both. 

♥ I am thankful that all went well at Jackson's school yesterday. It was meet the teacher and they all seemed so nice. All of them basically meet with each family seperate which took a little longer but I understand why. Jackson enjoyed it and seems excited for the new school year....which I am also very thankful for. Lets just hope that positive attitude lasts. 

♥ I am thankful for a clean house. All the work paid off and when we get back it will be to a clean house which is always nice. 

♥ I am thankful for you guys. I'm serious... almost daily I get emails, facebook messages, comments that totally touch my heart. I am thankful for every subscriber, to everyone who takes time out of their day to check in on us and its really touching. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please don't get upset if I don't answer back right away. I read them the minute they show up and try to respond within the week. I appreciate you all. 

I hope you have a great day. We are on our way to enjoy some family time. I will be vlogging through it and have travel vlogs up in due time...stay tuned! :)

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