Thankful Thursday!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hello friends! Happy Thursday to you all. I hope you are enjoying this beautiful afternoon. I am back with another Thankful Thursday Post. I think its so important to really focus on the things in your life that you are thankful for. Not all days are easy. There are times when we all struggle to find something that particular day but those are the days when I am thankful for the smallest details of life. So here are just a few of the things I am thankful for this week. Hope you enjoy.      

  • I am  thankful that I have had this week with Jackson. He got out of school for the year last Friday and he will soon be leaving for his dads for the summer. I am going to miss him so much. I am sure Sunday will be a very uneasy day....I will totally be worried about him until he comes back home, I am thankful for our time together this week. We have had a lot of fun this week and even last night Scott and Jackson took in a baseball game. I feel the empty nest syndrome coming on strong. :(
  • I am  thankful  for good running shoes. I have serious ankle problems and I don't think I could do much without a good pair of Nikies. But.. I have been enjoying my sandals  in this warm weather. 
  • I am  thankful for all the beautiful weather bringing singing birds. There are so many little song birds around..all I have to do is open the windows or step outside. They sound so beautiful. 
  • I am  thankful that Bowe Bergdahl is free. I know there are tons of things being said but the fact is one of our American Soldiers was held hostage for 5 years...hes paid enough. What if that was your son? Wouldn't you want him to come home? I am thankful he is. 
  • I am  thankful for finally finishing my first summer read! In case you haven't read the blog post I have a dual giveaway going on where I am sharing my love of my summer reading books. Its been nice actually laying back to read a book instead of watching tv or being on the computer. Its actually been calming. 
  • I am thankful for a summer schedule. What that means is......I am on not on much of a schedule. My days are easier...we are not rushing around to do homework or getting dinner done in a quick amount of time. Its the easy life right now! :) 
  • I am thankful for the chalkboard wall. Its crazy but I spend 2 or 3 hours a week drawing and coloring on it. Its one of my places for relxation and creativity. 
  • I am thankful for the movie Lone Survivor for so many reasons. Stay tuned for a movie review to hear my thoughts but it was very heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time. 
  • I am thankful for a friend who just had her baby. Labor get went great and the family is home and doing well. She is another friend I made through blogging and youtubing The friends alone are so meaning and I am so very thankful for each one. For a baby gift, I sent her one of those lifetime journals like the one my mom got me. I hope she can record all their milestones and memories. I need to ask first but I might share a picture sometime soon! 
  • I am thankful my husband proved me wrong about something today. I don't really want to share what it was but I am happy I was wrong this time! 
I hope you have a beautiful and blessed night. 

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