Hello friends! I hope you are getting along with this beautiful Saturday. I like to start Saturday's off as easy as possible and today is no exception. I just started a total of 4 new medications for random things and its harder to get up. But hopefully once my body gets use to them....I will feel better. Here are some Saturday randoms for ya! Hope you enjoy!
I cannot tell you how happy I am about my new Erin Condren Calander that should be here soon! I already have one that I love but it took me a while to figure out how to use it so it best suits my own needs. Now that she has her 2014-2015 together I ordered one. There are a few changes which I will show you guys in a open box video towards the end of the month.
Scott and I skipped dinner last night. Its kinda weird it just being us around here right now and we don't always want a dinner. Sometimes snacking works just fine for both of us. And let me tell you...its not your average snacks.. We eat pretty good and I think we are both very addicted to prosciutto. We have been pairing it up with asparagus, boiled eggs at times, lettuce and even a little sun dried tomatoes. Also we tend to add grapes too! It will be in my next What's Cookin' video but I kinda like the more relaxed kind of dinner sometimes. Scott loves them too!
Scott says he will go pick Strawberries with me on Sunday! Yea!! I am very happy to have his help. I can't wait to start making jelly! I got a bunch of canning supplies yesterday. I use to make it with my Grandmother Watteau so I just hope I can make it as good as hers! I am going to give some out for gifts and I am going to enjoy a ton of good homemade jelly! :)
I am going to be replanting my herbs today. I am going to be recording a video too with some of my tips to have a really beautiful indoor herb garden. Herbs in jars just don't compare to the taste of fresh herbs. Having them in your kitchen or in some windows close by gives you fresh herbs all winter long. I wonder how many of you guys have kitchen herb gardens in your kitchen. I would love to know if you care to share.
As I said.. I have been trying some new meds out after recently going to the Doctor. For just 3 of them it was over $80. I wish Obama would give me some free or affordable insurance. My husbands insurance is pretty good.. but damn, that's a lot of money for a months worth of medications. To be honest, we have some new debt such as the car payment for the Bug, we just put the new lawn mower on our credit card along with a few other things and now $80 a month in prescriptions. I'm nervous about it all...but Scott says we will be fine and I trust in him to make sure we are.

I hate to complain about the kids but they have really been something these past few days. Brittany is 12..Jackson 11 do really well when apart. You put them together and its complete chaos. Jackson just got up there...not even a full week yet and he has already got into a fight, used really really bad language, lost his glasses ( but discovered them in the yard ), has been fighting with his bossy sister and even through his ipad at her. WTF? They were fighting so bad today that I was trying to get them calmed down over the phone and then quickly got a hold of my ex husband. I told him to put his big boy pants on and get the kids under control. Hes having a difficult time needless to say. Jackson seems to have lost all his manners and kindness just being there for a week. I'm kinda disappointed in him right now and Brittany is tired of cleaning up after him. I think my " happy kid free summer" is going to be a summer of playing referee and worrying. But as of late last night things had calmed down and life was better. Jackson is not taking his medication like he is suppose to which is making everyone's life a lot more difficult. His father doesn't make him take it and most of the time Jackson won't take one unless we make him. So I am hoping and praying for a good weekend. No one understands why we separated them...but its more than clear that they are just not good for each other. My ex husband is going to be completely exhausted and nuts by the end of the summer.

Lets not stop crazy at this point. You just read about the drama with with Brittany and Jackson but there is also crazy drama with Scott's ex wife and son. She is so evil that she uses him as a pawn to get even with us. I am not even sure why she is so angry but she was locked up last year in the mental ward so I think she might be going through something again. I don't like to judge other moms but this bitch has is totally trying to destroy the relationship with his father. I think its back firing because for months now we have been getting weekly calls because of Zane and her fighting. Now she has turned off the phones and I bet she doesn't even let Zane call Scott for Fathers Day. I hope she does because I know it will hurt Scott but I don't think it will happen. The way this woman uses her kids is such a vial way should be criminal.
Scott and I are trying our best to enjoy our time together regardless of the kids drama. We both feel stressed out in a lot of ways re all the kids but we are still fighting through it trying to keep a smile on our faces. One thing for sure is we always have each other. I do have to credit therapy for helping too. I really think that the therapist is giving us some really good ideas and opening our mind to a new way of problem solving. Its a blessing to go every week.
Cooper drove me crazy yesterday with his ball. That dog sleeps with the ball, eats right beside it, and just obsesses with us throwing it. I know he is a retriever but he was laying at the top of the stairs... dropping it, watching it bounce stair to stair when I walked by. When I ignored him, he finally got up and got the ball and went right back to the same spot and did it again when I would happen to walk by. After 5 or 6 times I finally went outside and threw it some. But his ball is totally his pacifier.

Scott wants to go visit a new friend tonight. I am totally not feeling it being I only met this joker 1 time. I am thinking 15 minutes should be long enough to make an appearance. It really does not sound that fun to me and I wish we could find something else to do.
I am still reading the Conscious Parent by Dr. Shefali Tsabary. I really think if you are a person who deals with a child on ANY LEVEL this is a must read. Really its about transforming ourselves and empowering our own children. I am still learning that I am not here to control my kids...instead I am here to simply guide them the best I can. I really do want them to follow my plan but they are their own people and I have to remember that.

I'm really worried about my grandma right now. She is in the hospital and then going into a nursing home for therapy of sots and I am nervous she will never come out. But I hope she ends up in one that takes good care of her. And you guys know those are far and few compared to all the shitty nursing homes that treat the elderly awful. If you pray, could you please say a quick one for her. I know she never thought the end of her life would be like this. Sad thing is, she had a hard life - more than person should have had to go through - and now this. I just wish I had my grandma back. I miss her so much.

Have I told you guys I have the best kitty cat on the planet? I am pretty sure if your a reader of this blog, you probably already know that. To be honest, as a kitten he was so laid back that we thought he might slow. But fast forward a year and a half and he has proven to be smarter than any cat in the house. He is still laid back but its insaine how much he knows. And lets just say...he was just born beautiful. Scott cradles and loves on him just as much as I do. He is king of our house and a lot of our thoughts and actions are in regards to him. He gets everything he wants! :) I tell the kids all the time if they mess up, they are out of the will and Romeo is in! Hahahahahha....just kidding of course!

Both neighbors on each side of us are speeding around on their mowers trying to out do each other. Its pretty much a regular weekend occurrence. Normally the one on the right always wins! Looks the same today too.

I have some desk work and replying to comments and emails this weekend. I love communicating with you guys! So let me know how you are doing...I'll be back in a while. I hope you have a beautiful and blessed evening.
If you want to find me buzzing around online, here's where to go! :)
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