Happy Friday Friends! I am back with another edition of my little Friday Letters. Hope you enjoy..
Dear Friday the 13th, I will not let you scare me or make me have a bad day. I am sure it will just be my luck that something like a black cat will run out in front of me but today is going to be good.
God, I just want to say thank you for all you have done for me.I feel like each day I am learning more about myself and trying to be a better person. I am not always nice. I am not always understanding. I am not always happy but I am thankful for the life I have and I try each day to be a better....more spiritual...kind person. Thank you for listening to my prayers night after night.
Dear Jackson, I don't appreciate you not listening to me. I tell you not to put your face around a pitbulls face and then you do it anyway and tell me it was ok. How do you know it will be ok every time. I really do expect you to make better decisions even after we talk about why its not a good idea. I miss you very much and love you with all my heart.
Dear Dr. Miyagi, I have to admit you are giving me new ways to think about things. I liked what you said about marriage the other day. Thank you. See ya next week!
Dear Summer, I am so in love with you. I love the sun and flowers and fresh air. You make me feel alive. And... I stay up late because most days my schedule allows me to sleep in.. Love it!
Dear Cigarettes, In about a week, I will be done with you. I am going to start the Chantix again in the next few days. It will totally destroy my body for a few days but in the end I won't need you anymore.
Dear Mom, I haven't talked to you much. Sometime we are going to have to catch up. Hope you are well....love you!

Dear Body, You are out of shape and feeling old. I seriously need to start a new workout plan and try to get you feeling better. Maybe I am just getting older.
Dear Scott, Thank you for always being generous. You take very good care of me and I appreciate how hard you work for us. I love you.
Dear Jordan, If by any chance you are reading these words, I love and miss you.
Dear Little Bug, I have been driving you for a couple of months now and I really like you. For the first time ever, I can reach my purse if it's in the backseat. I am just starting to get use to driving with the top down. I do like it but it's still a little scary to me! I just make sure to have it up if I plan on going high speeds.
Dear Shanna, Sorry about all the test with Emmie. I promise she will be ok. You'll see.. she is going to grow up to be a lovely young lady before you know it. After being at the hospital so long the last couple days, I hope you are getting some rest.
Dear Brittany, Most of us worry that you are growing up so fast. You know, I am not here to control you.I want you to be your own person but I also want you to be honest at all times and understand we are not here to just boss you around....its just us trying to guide you a little bit. Try to remember, we are the adults who have already been where you are at. So be kind,loving, and honest...and don't forget to brush your teeth.
Dear Erin Condren, Well I did it. I got a new life planner ordered and now its up to you to get it done and send it off! I can't wait. Love love love your planners. :)
Dear Trina, I love our conversations. BTW.. that shaper thing I was talking about totally fit so I my ass must be getting bigger! Hahahaha...but I'll send your charger asap.
Dear Laura, I hear that we might see you soon! I love and miss you and hope all is well. I am going to have to call and catch up with you soon. Kiss the girls for me.
Dear Laci, I was napping the other day when you called and called you back...but you didn't answer. Hope all is well. I will try to call you sometime this evening. I love you bunches.
Dear Bowe Bergdah, I know so many people are saying things about you. I am not sure you even know what is being headlined on CNN. But I am happy you are safe. I understand releasing terrorist is scary but your life is worth it. I wonder if it is possible that some how they tagged the terrorist ( like they do big cats and such ) and will know where they are and possible send a drone? Isn't that possible?? Could they tell us - I think not - I think there are so many things we don't know so we shouldn't really judge. I hope you are recovering and starting to realize that you still are alive for a reason.
Dear Dad, I want to dream about you. Most nights I fall asleep I think about you and maybe having a few precious moments while I dream.Come see me. I miss you so much.
Dear Snap, There are no words to describe how much I wish you lived closer to us! I totally miss you.
Dear Grandma, I don't know what is going on with you. Your moving a lot and now you are in the hospital and then proabaly heading to a nursing home. I am so sorry. I know you didn't think the end would be like this. We all love you very much. I share your recipes on here all time and you will be forever in our hearts.
Dear Blog and Youtube Friends, Thank you guys for coming and visiting. I hope you all had a wonderful week. I actually put together a little weekly vlog that will be up in just a bit. I am still vlogging on the weekends but I thought I would share a little from the week with you guys! I also have a giveaway going on for a copy of the Shack and a copy of the Conscious Parent. Get entered...the winners will be chosen on Monday! I will also be back a little later this evening with a household haul too. Happy Happy Friday!