Friday Letters ♥

Friday, May 5, 2017

Happy Friday friends! Here is another edition of Friday Letters. Hope you enjoy! 

Dear God, thank you for keeping the kids safe. I put my trust in you every single day. Thank you for listening to my prayers. Dear Rain, you are so cold today. I wish you would just go away and warm up. Dear Work, having a couple days off has been so nice and much needed. Dear Mom, I hope you had an amazing birthday. I love you. Dear Ryan, thank you for being so sweet. I love cuddling up with you in bed and dreaming away. It's so nice you are off work today with me. I love you and I am so excited about our little baby that's on the way! Dear Republicans, you are such a disgrace to our country. Now you want to pass a law that  would allow insurance companies to treat rape, pregnancy complications and post-partum depression like pre-existing conditions. It takes away money from special education and Planned Parenthood. If the AHCA was enacted today, millions of Americans would lose health insurance and millions of Americans would die horrible deaths from completely treatable diseases. I think you are so freaking dumb and I wish Obama would come back and make everything ok again. Dear Jackson, I am so happy that you are excited about going and traveling around with my mom for a month. I hope you have a wonderful time and make lots of great memories. I love you sweet boy. Dear Youtube, I am working hard on getting caught up videos. It always seems that there are less hours in the day. Dear Laci, so happy you have met someone! I hope it all works out. And that spa vacation sounds really nice about right now! Dear Kitchen, I clean you...and you get messed up. The story of my life. Why can't you just be self cleaning like the oven!? Dear New Baby, I am so excited about meeting you. I know that you are coming into a complicated world but know your dad and I will do everything to protect you and love you...till the end of time. Just keep growing and we will see each other around Christmas. And it would really be interesting if you arrived on my late brothers birthday! I already love you so much. Dear Maekenzie, I know we all sound like we are bitching but the truth is...we just want what's best for you. We are very thankful you are home safe and sound. Please don't scare us like that again. You have a huge life in front of you. Take advantage of it. Dear Scott,  sometimes I actually feel guilty trying to make a life with Ryan and be happy. However, I know that you loved me and would want me to not be sad forever. I know things got bad between us in the end but I also know it was your addiction that was taking over. I hope you are at peace and I hope you know that I did love you regardless of all the bad things that happened. None of it really matters anyway at this point. But you are missed by many and I am happy. I am truly happy and I hope you can see that. Dear Apartment, You have been a safe place...a stepping stone and I hope soon we can find a house where we all can be together. Thank you for keeping us warm, safe, and happy. Dear Brittany, good luck with the cheer tryouts today! I love you sweetheart! Dear Cooper, I hope you are ok. I miss your sweet face. I am sorry your family broke up and you ended up God knows where. Just know, you are forever in my heart. Dear Beth, thank you for all you do for me at work. I know Tuesday was intense and I appreciate you covering my ass. Thank you so much. And the same goes to Marla. See ya tomorrow.! Dear Hair, I wish you would just hurry up and grow completely out. I am hating the layers!  Dear Trina, I hate wasting my time on your ass but I just to tell you a few are troll who lies for sport. Scott did love me. He married me. He would never pay for a divorce that was not based on a true marriage. We did have sex and you know it. We were together for longer than any relationship you have had. You enjoy the attention from the trolls because you have NO friends. You are raising your grandson because your kid is a POS stripper/prostitute.  You are a raciest and have said the n word sooooo many times yet you are in charge of a mixed baby. Gosh... I feel sorry for him and you are just full of hate. And what about the first kid that you threw away? I can see straight through your glass house. You will never ever get the ashes from me. Glad you called Laura because I would soon put them in the litter box before handing them to you. I hope you go on with your miserable self and life and leave me alone. You are not worth my energy and you know what? You should not be wasting your energy on me. Dear Planners, I have got to make more time for you. I feel like I am getting a little behind. Dear Dad, I miss you...everyday. I know you have already met our baby and I know you can see everything. There are days when tears just flow down my face because I miss you so much. I will never forget you or the love you showed me. Dear bladder, I know little baby Harshey is only the size of a pecan so I don't understand why you feel so full ALL OF THE TIME. A catheter seems like it would be easier. Dear Car, I want to get rid of you so badly. I think I am going to really start working on it. Dear Life, you have such a weird way of working out. I would have never guessed things would be the way they are right now. But I am happy, safe and loved. God does always have a plan. Dear Self, remember that an eye for an eye is not always best. Resist the tempation to fight back. Just focus on yourself and your family and let everyone else do them. Have faith. Dear Youtube and Blog friends, I love you guys. Thank you for being such a loving and supportive community to me. I am always amazed by your comments and emails. You always give me the push I need. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 
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