What are ya going to do? Glam Gossip Vlog March 21, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Happy Saturday friends! Its a beautiful day here and I just feel like being outside. I think we are suppose to have another winter coming up soon. Check it out. We live right about the " o" in Possible. WTF? I don't understand this weather. I did hear that this upcoming week we are going to have spring, fall and winter weather all within days of each other. I just put all the fire place tools up because I thought we were done with the fireplace but it would appear that I am totally wrong. lt was also pretty yesterday too. Speaking of yesterday, I stayed really busy around the house and then had a nice relaxing night. If you want to check out all I got into, enjoy my vlog below! 

I'll be back in a bit with a Ipsy bag update! :)

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1 comment on "What are ya going to do? Glam Gossip Vlog March 21, 2014"
  1. Hey Kisha save the black window frame thingy....you can use it as a photo collage....just tape the picks in it and hang it on your wall or put it on your desk.


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