Upside Down Kid...Glam Gossip Vlog March 18, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hello friends, I hope you are having a good day. Here, its cold and rainy yet husby is at the Country Club playing golf with his friends. I can't believe he is out there in this weather. He is going to come home cold, wet and very tired. I can totally see him coming home and heading to a warm shower and a late afternoon nap. Anyway, yesterday I hung out at home and got a bunch of things done. It was another cold wet day so I didn't want to go outside at all! If you want to see what filled up our day, enjoy the vlog below! 

I hope you are having a great day! I'll be back a little later with some new blog posts and new video.

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3 comments on "Upside Down Kid...Glam Gossip Vlog March 18, 2014"
  1. Have you ever heard of the company e- salon? I decided to try it out and thought of you. It looks like something you would like to try out and blog about. Just thought I would pass it along.
    Love your daily blog posts.

  2. My mom uses that system and LOVES it! I still think its a bit pricey because the box dyes from the store seem to work fine for me but they do really tailor the color for you so I might have to try it out sooner or later but my mom uses it every month and seems very happy with it!

  3. It is great to hear that your mom loves it. I was a little leery about trying it out. I hope it proves to be a positive experience for me. My hair is so thin and fine so when I use box color it just seems to make it so dry. Thanks for your reply to my comment.


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