Weekend in Review ( January 31 - February 2, 2014 )

Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy Monday Friends! I think for us, the cold weather has passed on by. Maybe I am just dreaming but yesterday it was 67 and today its 65 right now. Gotta love that! I am amazed at how fast January flew by. It seems like yesterday when I was running store to store to find the perfect Christmas gifts, unloading all the wrapping paper and enjoying holiday music. Its amazing how fast life really does go by. 


Friday was the last day of January and it was a pretty good one! Last week I broke my handheld vlogging camera so it was time to go pick out another. I wandered into Walmart and came out with a new camera and some other household goodies. I found a Nikon Coolpix on sale for $89 and couldn't be happier. Its not my main camera but its the one that always goes in my purse and the is the camera I record our vlogs with. So it was nice finding a replacement on sale! Scott worked a little late but as soon as he got home all the animals rushed to his feet. Its so funny because I am sure he never knows if he is going to get tackled by me and the kids or the animals! He's gone a lot and we all miss him! We actually had a quick and easy dinner.. Mussels! I was testing out a new kind that I found on sale at my local market and we totally enjoyed them!


The first day of February came early for me. The sun shining through the blinds just got me out of bed and active a lot faster than a cold winter day. Once I got coffee flowing through my veins, it was time to make a smoothie. We love doing Smoothie Saturdays for brunch and we had a Peanut butter Banana Chocolate Smoothie which everyone in my house loves. Sooooo tasty! While I was busy tinkering around our home, I found my beloved picnic basket. It has seen better days but I love it and totally craving a picnic. I think its just spring fever running through me. Thankfully we live on the East Coast in South Carolina because for the most part, winter takes it easy on us! All day I ran around with my hair in a ponytail with a hat. I am sure many of you don't know I like baseball hats... but I do! Let me just say...by the end of the day.. TOTAL hat hair..  :) but no one saw it because when it came off, I went into the shower. I just love having my hair out of my face while I am working around the house and all the cute hats my husband gives me, works great!


Super Bowl Sunday showed up again bright and early! I dont' know why I am springing out of the bed so early right now but I was up by 8:30 Sunday morning. I laid around and took it easy for a couple hours.. as did Romo. He loves being in that really big chair all stretched out sleeping. He is such a such a rock star in our house. Everyone who comes in contact with that cat becomes a quick obsessed fan! He really is the purrrrfect kitty cat! Scott and Jackson went golfing because again.. it was a warm day outside. Jackson totally enjoyed as did Scott. Afterwards, a old friend came to say hi for a bit. It was so nice seeing them. I had made a ton of mistakes in our friendship and let me just say.. I am thankful for forgiveness. At times I had used this blog to hurt them after feeling hurt and betrayed myself. But as time went by, I realized how wrong I was to do that and I also realized that this blog is not here to hurt people. It was heartwarming to have them here with us like it use to be. Totally a great day. As you can see I am keeping them private on here just out of respect. And all that happened before the Super Bowl started! Once the game started I broke out my planner and started working on the events of the upcoming day. I even filmed a video about it that should be up this week. I am not a huge football fan and I don't even think its worth watching for the commercials because I can always catch those later. But husby watched and I planned! As the night rolled on, I worked on catching all the laundry up which completely made me happy. Its rare to have it all caught up. But its done making today much easier. 

Oh because we were just munching through the game, I made my mini corn dog muffins with mini tator tots. The boys love this dinner and it was perfect finger food to eat in the living room. 

Stay tuned for the video on how to make these! 

During the Super Bowl Scott clued me in on a secret that he has been working on for a while...wait for it!!! 

He has been playing a cruise to the bahamas for us! We are leaving out on June 12th and going to have a 5 day vacation full of relaxation and fun! I am totally excited and so ready. To be very honest, last summer was a total disaster and we just wanted something a little different this year. I think my mom and Don are going too. It would be so great if they did and would just add to the fun! So GREAT NEWS for June 

I have to take a minute and make Philip Seymour Hoffman a part of this weekend in review post. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that on Saturday he passed away from an apparent heroin overdose. Life is hard and it takes huge coping skills to deal with and even famous actors don't always cope well. Its sad how addiction takes so many. I read an article on TMZ that said he had been clean and sober for 29 years. I wonder what makes a person go back to a demon after such a long time. 

My heart breaks for his family and children. In our home, we lift them in our prayers. 
Rest in Peace.

Here are my weekend video's in case you are interested...



Weekend Vlogs




I hope you have a wonderful week!

Take some time to explore My housewife Life Youtube Channel. Check out all my recent videos in the first row and browse through all the different categories of videos (like Beauty, Cooking, Pets, Trips and much more!) located in the bottom rows. You can also subscribe to my Youtube Vlog Channel  where I post daily vlogs of all sorts! Be sure to subscribe to both and be the first one to learn about newly released videos! 

2 comments on "Weekend in Review ( January 31 - February 2, 2014 )"
  1. Thanks for linking up my dear! I love those yummy treats you made and I'm obsessed with your EC planner! xo

  2. I've had a chocolate/pb smoothie and a chocolate/banana one as well, but never all three mixed together. I think one is calling my name!
    Thanks for participating in our link up!


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