First let me just start this off by saying my brows are anything but perfect. I have really thick hair and keeping them under control is not always so easy. There have been times when I have over plucked.. under plucked.. and even took a razor to them in my early 20's. So there has been a lot of faking it through the years!
Here's a few of my guidelines.
- Please don't over pluck your brows. I remember plucking like a crazy person when I was younger. Be aware if you start doing that really young and continue, those hairs might never grow back. If you are new to doing brows, you might want to go to your local nail shop and get them waxed or even threaded. Afterwards, you can just tweeze any hairs that grow in the area that was waxed. Never ever use a razor. Its never precise and you can seriously mess up your eyebrows doing it.
- Take a good look at your brows and try to figure out the natural shape. For me the arch of my natural shape is a little further over and I just go with it. Its so much better than trying to make my brows something they are not. Nothing is more unflattering that overdone drawn in eyebrows. So brush them upwards and try to go with the natural shape. Everyone is different.. no two brows are the same! I mean that too. Eyebrows are suppose to be more like sisters than twins!
- Also consider the length of your actual arch. While it shouldn't extend too far down your brow bone, tweezing or waxing them off too short can really throw off the proportion and balance of your face. Trust me, I've been there... to both extremes. I do like a higher arch and I do make my brows a bit longer because my eyes are small and this makes your eyes appear bigger..But try not to over do it!
- Don't pluck with a magnifying mirror. Ever. Seems like a great idea, and it makes seeing the hair so much easier, but if you need a 10x magnifying mirror to see the hair, you don't need to pluck it. Unless you have serious vision issues, you don't need one of these ever.
- Most of us women have eyebrows that require some type of definition (eye brow shaping) to look complete. Applying make-up to your eyebrows helps them stand out and look complete. At first, you may feel the eye brow pencil has exaggerated your eyebrows. Just remember that your are used to seeing your old look and it takes a short time to adjust to a new look.
- Begin the eye brow shaping process by balancing your eyebrow so that it is proportionate with the rest of your face. Look in the mirror and place imaginary lines (or a pencil) across your face to match the lines shown here. Do this on both sides of the nose and pluck only in between. Be careful about the distance between the inner brows and the length of the brows.
A. When eye brow shaping, imagine a vertical line going up from the outside of your nostril towards your forehead. The inner part of the eyebrow should converge with this line.
B. A straight line going out from the outside corner of your nostril past the outer corner of your eye marks the end of your eyebrow.C. Your arch should be found two thirds of the way from your inner eyebrow
What are your favorite eyebrow products!?

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