There was a lot of fun leading up to Christmas in Florida and now that it's over we're really seeing life get back to normal. Overall, we had a really great Christmas week filled with lots of family, new friends, yummy food and treats, getting spoiled, thoughtful gifts, kids excitement and tons of giggles, sparkly lights, warm fires, holiday tunes, snuggling, long talks, sweet texts, pretty bows, shipping frustrations, ( Thanks Khols ) reminiscing, teeny pieces of wrapping paper, messy hair, sunshine, unexpected but sweet visits, late nights, early mornings, resolutions and lots of planning for 2014, lots of last minute shopping, daily videos, excitement, lots of giftcards, stacking wood, thank you phone calls sand so so much love.

Today I have been planing so much. 2014 has a huge to do list for me... here's just a few..
- Return Tripod and exchange game at Game Stop.
- Find time to go to the post office box. Lots of mail waiting.. I'm sure.
- Vacuum the entire house.... after getting a replacement belt.
- Clean up files on both phone and laptop.
- Go to Shelby one last time to pick up prescriptions. Thankfully on Thursday we have a apt at a new LOCAL Dr. :))
- On that same day we have a lady coming to give an estimate on cleaning the house. We are just checking into it. I really want someone to come in for 4 hrs a week...spend 2 hrs upstairs, 2 hours down stairs. We'll see. Until then I have to stick to a cleaning schedule to keep this big house cleaned up.
- I think Jackson needs more mommy time....so going to really focus on that more in 2014. You know one of my friends felt she was spending too much time on fb and not with her baby and deleted her account. Wow. I can't do that but I sure admire her for it.
- I have lists and lists of new blog posts and videos coming up for 2014. The ideas just keep running through my brain.....wayyyy too many!
- I know I have been doing mostly videos but I am trying to balance things out a little more now and hopefully I will get back to writing some daily, weekly, monthly, blog posts. :) But do expect a lot of videos too!
- Organize. For 2014 I want to be even more organized around our home. It makes everything so much easier but its never easy to keep it up. Something we all need to learn around here.
- I don't sort socks...ever but I am running out of soft fluffy white socks. Guess I better start that sorting... which sucks!
- We need to spend more time together as a family. Scott works late most nights so we don't get a ton of time together as a family. Gotta work on that in 2014.
- Scott and I are thinking about making a BIG MOVE out West. no seriously. We are really brain storming ideas about it right now.
- The neighbor 10 year old neighbor kid got a 4 wheeler for Christmas and is driving me nuts driving it all through our back yards. I really wouldn't care if it wasn't so damn loud.
- Oh yea, in 2014 I vow to curse less. Ha! One can hope right!?
- Time management. I need to find a way to get things done on here faster. I spend a lot of my time either writing blog post, making videos, editing, uploading, answering 100's of emails, and the list goes on and on. But I do have a lot of new videos coming up soon. I just need to figure out a way to get it done where I still have time for this big house and my family. There never seems to be be enough hours in the day.
- I really want to get Jackson in this private military school. I know it sounds extreme, but I know in my soul that it would be great for him. And even if we do move, we would be in a military area with lots of military schools. Never know. I'm not giving up.
- No Comparisons. Its easy to find another bigger blog and get caught up with the numbers. I even do it sometimes and in 2014 I don't plan on worrying about any numbers. I plan on being myself and hopefully gain some new friends along the way. :)
- Save money at the grocery store. We always spend so much on food each month and in the new year I want to try to save as much as I can on the weekly groceries. I shopped and got 99% sale items, and my family seems to be adjusting just fine with the cheaper ice cream! One step at a time.
- Thank you notes... gotta get moving with those in the coming days.
- Kids. Gosh there are so many things I want to be better with the kids in 2014. All our kids. Hopefully this new year will be bright and happy for all of them.
- Bloggy/Youtube Friends. I have made so many friends along the way and I hope each of you have a great year. I am starting by doing things one day at a time. I set just a couple goals for the new year, then I write out lists of specifics for each month, each week, and each day and the pressure isn't so big. Try it and see how it works in your life!
- And while I am at it.. if you want to check out what I got for Christmas 2013 - Enjoy the Video Below!
Thanks for watching!
You had a big list of things to be doing in the next few days and months. You're gonna be busy!! :-) What state are you guys thinking of moving to, I'm thinking maybe Texas cause your Mom is there? :-) That would be awesome for you to be closer to her if that's where you're thinking of moving to! :-)